Piacenza Liver, Italy 500 BCE
For translation methodology see: How to Translate Alphabetic Akkadian Texts
Online at: https://www.palazzofarnese.piacenza.it/it/news/notizie/i-tesori-archeologici-di-piacenza-e-delle-sue-valli
Piancenza is in the middle of the Po valley north of the normal Etruscan homeland.
Liver from Po River Valley in Italy
(Jan. 29, 2023, updated November 15, 2025) The text on this bronze liver is a teaching text and not some sort of divination report like everyone expected.
This bronze liver was found in the Po river valley which came under the control of a Celtic tribe known by the Romans as the "Insubres" around 600 BCE. They sacked Rome in 390 BCE. Yet they in turn were conquered by Rome in the battle of Clastidium (modern Casteggio) in 222 BCE. The Insubres gained a brief period of freedom when Carthaginian general Hannibal invaded Italy during the Second Punic War (218–201 bc). The Insubres were finally subdued by Rome in 196 BCE and gradually lost their identity in the rise of municipal communities. They were granted Latin rights in 89 BCE and full Roman citizenship 40 years later.
The bronze Liver of Piacenza was found on September 26, 1877 by a farmer plowing a field. It was found at a depth of about 25 cm not far from the small village of Settima of Ciavernasco just south of Piacenza. This site is located approximately a kilometer from the right bank of the Trebbia river. The bronze liver was eventually bought by Count Francesco Caracciolo, who subsequently donated it to the Civic Museum of the Piacenza on the first of August 1894. The liver is a life sized sheep’s liver measuring 126 × 76 × 60 mm (5 × 3 × 2.4 inches) and weighing 635 grams. As far as I know the field has not been excavated or surveyed with geophysical equipment despite the significance of this find.
All cultures of the time seem to have believed that liver was the source of animal emotions. (Riva and all, 2011). It is attached to the diaphragm muscle responsible for breathing. This links the liver to breath (wind, spirit) which was the causal fluid for the motion powers. The liver is also the source of bile which was thought to be the way these motion powers affected the physical body. The other source of motion in the universe besides inner conscious emotions was the motions of the heavenly bodies. Therefore, the ancients reasoned some connection must exist between the two motion sources and that connection was the liver. The earliest Greek playwrights, the tragedians (400’s BCE), referred to the liver as the seat of emotions (Aeschylus: Agamemnon, 432; Sophocles: Aix, 938).
Fire as the inner spark of celestial light was the elemental correspondence to emotion and passion. That inner spark is what animated animal life. This association is why the Greek Titan of fire, Prometheus, had his liver continually eaten by a vulture as punishment for bringing that spark of life to humans.
The Greek word for liver is the Indo-European derived “hepar” from which English gets the word “hepatitis” (liver disease) and hepatoscopy meaning “liver divination.” The Akkadian word for liver is similar being “Ḫarû” from which English gets “haruspicy” (liver divination) and horoscope (night sky divination).
The motivation behind creating this liver is a drought. Surviving Roman records which refer to this time period are sparce but an analysis of those shows a pattern of grain shortage by Northwood (2006) during the 400’s then no problems until the second Punic war (218 to 201 BCE). Grain shortages can be caused by drought, social instability (war), or both.
Old Musei di Palazzo Farnese Display
This was how it was displayed earlier at the Palazzo Farnese Museum in Piacenza
Piacenza Liver Held in Hand
Piacenza Liver
Online at: https://desimonewayland.tumblr.com/post/187449537458/the-liver-of-piacenza-dating-to-around-100-bc-was
Piacenza Liver
Online at: https://desimonewayland.tumblr.com/post/187449537458/the-liver-of-piacenza-dating-to-around-100-bc-was
Left Side of Piacenza Liver
WARNING! Inked Letters
Liver of Sheep
from Wikimedia Commons at: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Leber_Schaf.jpg
Piacenza Liver Top View
Translation of Piacenza Liver Outer Left Ring
(January 1, 2021, updated January 29, 2023 with better images, updated January 13, 2025 with even better images and latest dictionary)
This text starts out by describing that various ritual offerings (nourishments for the divine powers) cannot change the goddess Ayu's decision about blocking rain but they can change how that rain is distributed. Astrology magic/emotion magic involving Su and emotion magic involving the life-network trimming eagle-vultures can do this. It ends by stating that cursing the divine powers of life manifestations (Yahu) will result in their withdrawal leaving only the powers of fate.
Translation in Druid Akkadian (Med Text 73.1)
(read right to left. Capital letters on stone. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs in italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words)Chart Used: Aegean Lineage, Letter style is mostly Etruscan
Bu Pu Ya AYu Lu
Bu E IṢu [1]K IWu Zu BaKu
Su U EGu NaLu Zu E NaPu
Pu Nu
Wa E'u Nu Bu
In English
Nourishments cannot open Ayu's lack.
Nourishments will disable scarcity [word] by redirecting the emanations of rain.
Su and the neglected-ones (eagle-vultures) can disperse the emanations disabling the filter (life-network).
Nourish the emanations.
Fate-cursing Yahu's (E') nourishes revelations (of fate)
Autori vari, (1985) The land of the Etruscan, Scala, Firenze – 1985Copeland, M. (2006) Piacenza Liver – Divination via the Etruscan gods. Online at: https://www.academia.edu/35906687/Piacenza_Liver_Divination_via_the_Etruscan_gods
Nijboar, A.J. (2008) Italy and the Levant during the late Bronze and Iron Ages (1200-750/700 BCE). Online at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/288952305_Italy_and_the_levant_during_the_late_bronze_and_iron_age_1200-750700_B_C
Riva, M., Riva, E., Spicci, M., Strazzabosco, M., Giovannini, M., Cesana1, G. (2011) “The city of Hepar’’: Rituals, gastronomy, and politics at the origins of the modern names for the liver. Journal of Hepatology vol. 55, 1132–1136. Online at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168827811004946
Stevens, Natalie (2009) A New Reconstruction of the Etruscan Heavens. American Journal of Archaeology Vol 113.2. Online at: https://www.jstor.org/stable/20627565?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents Van der Meer (1987) The Bronze Liver of Piancenza: Analysis of a Polytheistic Structure. Amsterdam: J.C. Gieben
Translation of Piacenza Liver Inner Left Ring
(January 1, 2021, updated January 29, 2023 with better images, updated January 13, 2025 with even better images and latest dictionary).
This section is pushing the application of astrology-magic (a subset of emotion magic) involving the dark new moon god Su to free up the life-powers.
Translation in Druid Akkadian (Med Text 73.2)
(read right to left. Capital letters on stone. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs in italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words)Chart Used: Aegean Lineage, Letter style is mostly Etruscan
Zu A Tu. Ru E Zu.
IPu Ṣu ITu. Pu E YaYa
Tu IWu ZaBu
Yu Ea'u A
Zu E Ya Zu A
Bu Ya ENu
In English
Emanations are the result of astrology-magic. Eagle-vultures can disable the emanations.
Free-up activity for the omens. The openings can disable the pain
Astrology-magic (from Su) can redirect the pumping (of the life-network)
Should not Yahu be doing that?
Emanations are not being disabled by those emanations
Don't nourish the reassignments.
Translation of Piacenza Liver Center
(January 1, 2021, updated January 29, 2023 with better images, updated January 14, 2025 with even better images and latest dictionary).
This text starts out by again proclaiming the superiority of the crescent moon goddess Ayu but then indicating that astrology magic can work if Ayu is not actively against it. It again points out that cursing Yahu and the powers of fate from the night sky will also disable the astrology magic rituals.
Translation in Druid Akkadian (Med Text 73.3)
(read right to left. Capital letters on stone. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs in italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words)Chart Used: Aegean Lineage, Letter style is mostly Etruscan
- Pu E Tu U Zu Ya
- Qu ETu IPu A'u Tu
- Wa E'u A A
- Qu ERu BaDu ARu T
In English
- The Opener (Ayu) can disable astrology-magic along with not emanating.
- Thread the boundary (sky shell and life network) by freeing-up the emotion-powers (Awen) of astrology magic.
- Fate-cursing Yahu will disable that.
- Life-Threads are being harbored by the evening-power's (of fate) controlling astrology-magic.
Translation in Druid Akkadian (Med Text 73.4)
(read right to left. Capital letters on stone. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs in italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words)Chart Used: Aegean Lineage, Letter style is mostly Etruscan
- Tu IWu Bu
- ARu Bu
In English
- Astrology-magic can redirect the nourishments
- Control the nourishments
Translation of Piacenza Liver Inner Right Side
(January 1, 2021, updated January 29, 2023 with better images, updated January 14, 2025 with even better images and latest dictionary).
This text is stating that astrology-magic is normally used to affect human emotions or to redirect the life-powers (fertility-fluids) flowing to earth. But astrology magic can also leak out in a faded ghostly way to inappropriately affect the life powers.
Translation in Druid Akkadian (Med Text 73.6)
(read right to left. Capital letters on stone. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs in italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words)Chart Used: Aegean Lineage, Letter style is mostly Etruscan
- Tu INu Za'u Su
- Bu A'u A
- Qu USu IṬu AṢu
- Su USu IWu Zu
- Tu INu Zu Qu PaSu
- Yu A Zu Ya
- Yu Ea'u Nu
In English
- Astrology-magic for the Moon-Eye (Su) can render Su
- Nourishments for emotion-powers (Awen) are the result
- Life-threads customarily will make-sticky the expulsions
- Su customarily will redirect the emanations.
- Astrology-magic for the Moon-Eye (Su) can emanate life-thread's ghosts.
- Should not that not be emanated?
- Should not Yahu (E') be revealed?
Translation of Piacenza Liver Outer Ring Right Side
(January 1, 2021, updated January 29, 2023 with better images, updated January 14, 2025 with even better images and latest dictionary).
This section blames astrology-magic for disabling emotion magic.
Translation in Druid Akkadian (Med Text 73.7)
(read right to left. Capital letters on stone. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs in italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words)Chart Used: Aegean Lineage, Letter style is mostly Etruscan
- (letters too uncertain to read)
- Tu PaLu Bu Pu E EMu
- Tu INu A PaSu
- Tu Ku Mu ANu E
- Wa Lu Ḫu Zu APu
- Ku EBu Pu A
In English
- [can't see]
- Astrology-magic is ruling the nourishment's openings disabling the Supervisor (Thu)
- Astrology-magic's Moon-Eye (Su) can produce ghosts.
- Astrology-magic's involvement with fertility-fluids disables considerations (focused emotions of emotion magic)
- Curse the lack of Hu which emanates the veil.
- Involve the sky-shell-powers in opening that (him).
Right Outer Section 1
Photo too low a resolution for a good letter identification
Other Alpine Celtic Cast Bronzes
Bronze Bull Head from Switzerland (400-500 BCE)
Being in central Europe most of these seem to have been found prior to proper archaeology and are now in the hands of private collectors.
PROVENANCE: Ex- Leo Mildenberg (1913-2001) collection, Zurich
SERIAL NO: 17660
Online at: https://www.e-tiquities.com/gallery/ancient-celtic-bronze-head-of-a-bull