SX 1: Bulls on Sky-Shell

Press of a Sumerian cylinder seal dated to around 2200 BCE. Each of the 6 text columns is a label for each of the 6 images.

It is now located at the Louvre (AO 22303, Département des Antiquités orientales). It was donated to the museum in 1967 by a collector so it was not found in an archeaological excavation. Online at:

Press of a Sumerian cylinder seal dated to around 2200 BCE. Each of the 6 text columns is a label for each of the 6 images.It is now located at the Louvre (AO 22303, Département des Antiquités orientales). It was donated to the museum in 1967 by a collector so it was not found in an archeaological excavation. Online at:

Sumerian Description of Life Powers

(September 16, 2023, Updated December 29, 2024)) The Druid culture of the European Neolithic farmers split off from Mesopotamian culture around 8500 BCE. Consequently, the two cultures had much in common including a similar world view based upon the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. This world view is illustrated on this labeled Sumerian cylinder seal dated to around 2200 BCE. The divine realm creates the life powers (called fertility-fluids) which flows down to earth to trigger the manifestation of life forms. 

This illustration show a pot pouring out 3 streams of fertility fluids. One of these streams is being transferred the chaotic rainstorm god represented as a bull for passing on to the earth as rain. The other two streams likely represent ground water and sea water. The text first describes the 3 parts of of the scene from outer to inner before moving on to commenting about the whole scene. Read from right to left, top to bottom (Text number SX1):

  1. The divine-realm's (AN) ejections are the milk which fills-up the fertility-fluids for the land.
  2. Fertility-fluids
  3. The cloud's streams are passing-through to the earth
  4. Storage is being filled by the fertility-fluids
  5. Pests are ejected
  6. Serve wisdom

Lexicon used for this translation: Early-Sign Sumerian Lexicon  

Column 1 (SX 1.1)


  1. AN SAR GA X14
  2. X17 URU

English Translation

  1. AN's ejections are the milk which fills
  2. the fertility-fluids of the land

Comment: An's ejections are sunlight and heat 

Column 2 (SX 1.2)


  1. X17

English Translation

  1. The fertility-fluids

Column 3 (SX 1.3)


  1. KU X12 X15 KI

English Translation

  1. The cloud's streams are passing-through to the earth

Comment: The bull represents the chaotic rain bringing storm clouds.

Column 4 (SX 1.4)


  1.  IB X14
  2. X17

English Translation

  1. Storage is being filled
  2. by fertility-fluids

Comment: Cattle were the main storage of a family's wealth.

Column 5 (SX 1.5)


  1. DUB SAR

English Translation

  1.  The pests are ejected

Column 6 (SX 1.6)


  1. ARAD ZU

English Translation

  1.  Servant of wisdom