Hekatompedon Decree, Athens 485 BCE

An Athenian Pre-Parthenon Text Found on the Acropolis

(January 6, 2025) Never before translated. Now at Epigraphical Museum, Athens, EM 6794 (Metope B).

Despite being fragmentary this text is talking about integrating the life power class of powers with the motion/emotion class of powers. This later class includes astrology magic sourced by the dark new moon god Su.

Translation (Med Text 71)

  1.  ... The thread's openings (through the sky-shell) can't be made ineffective.  :  Astrology-owls (Athenian owls) can't render emanations. Similarly [word] cannot reveal astrology-magic for Ayu's [word]. Reassign the astrological-owl's emanations for that.
  2.  ...  Don't emotionally-affect the emanations.  :  Thu's irrigation ....  Starve the association with astrology-magic.
  3.  ... monitoring. Reassign the break-outs [2 words]  :  Divert .....    Astrology-magic for Ayu [can pr]od the emanations (rain).  Astrology-magic does not affect the Reed-boat (Ayu)
  4.  ....  does not affect the emanations.  :  Astrology-magic's attendants (owls) will not affect that harbor (rain making sky-shell)  :  The astrological-owls will not affect ....     .  Eagle vultures can layout the revelations of astrology-magic.
  5. ...  Ayu  :  Roast-offerings can change considerations (focused emotions of emotion magic)  :  The fertility-fluid's motivations .....  considerations for fertility-fluids are motivating nothing.
  6. .... motivations  :  Nothing is pasturing the energy for the dawn  :  The Reed-Boat (Ayu) .....  Don't do astrology-magic for emanations (rain).
  7. ...  divine-motion-realm's emanations  :  Confusion is emanating from those reassignments.  Make sticky ....
  8. ...  .  Those are not being emanated.  : : :   The pasture will not emanate ....
  9. ...  :  Involve Ayu with the pasture (starry night sky).  Guide ...
  10. ... Yahu (E')  :  Reassign the pasture's emanations (of fate). The pasture can be involved with ...
  11. ...  revelations  :  Fertility-fluids can be made ineffective by emotion-powers (awen). Reveal the near-realm's ...
  12. The near-realm's Thu can reassign ...
  13. Involvement will result in the near-realm's fertility-fluids being energized. ...
  14. Don't give abundance by manifesting eagle-vultures. Those .....
  15. For revelations  :   Don't pasture the emanations. ....
  16. Associate nourishments with those.  Prod the shepherds (astrology magic crafters) ... 
  17. Make ineffective those constant shouts of .....
  18. ...  don't [do something about] the emanations of the pasture (starry night sky) with the pasture.
  19. .....  The shepherds (astrology magic crafters) can change Yahu (I'u) with emotional effects.  :  Su can disable the layout (of fate as defined in the night sky)
  20. ... supervises the associations. Breaking-through (the sky-shell) is being disabled by [word]  :  Involve Ayu with astrology-magic
  21. ... Reed-Boat (Ayu).  Are we not disabling Yahu's (Y') revelations?  :  Associations will not disable the break-out's lack  :  of fertility-fluids
  22. ...  the irrigation-network (life network). The Supervisor (Thu) can monitor  that.
  23. ...  Starvation is a result of the pasture (starry night sky).  Throw-out the eagle-vultures. Spew-forth the fertility-fluids with .... 
  24. ... [2] is not a divine-motion-power  :  That emotionally-affects the high-powers. Disable the ....



Snakes were put at the right and left corners of the East pediment of the Hekatompedon (Now in the Athens, acropolis museum). These snake would have represented Hekate. Photo from: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Snakes-hekatompedon.jpg
The piedmont's center had a pair of gender ambiguous lions (breast sack with male mane) eating a calf. These lions possibly represented Thu who would later be personified as Athena (meaning "powers of Thu."). This deity was the power enabling emotion magic which the text mentions. Photo from: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lioness-hekatompedon.jpg

Hekatompedon History

The Hekatompedon or Hekatompedos (Ancient Greek: ἑκατόμπεδος, was an ancient Greek temple on the Acropolis of Athens built from limestone in the Archaic period and placed in the position of the present Parthenon. 

The temple was built around 570–550 BC. It was demolished by the Athenians in 490 BC after the victory over the Persians at the Battle of Marathon to build a larger temple known as the Older Parthenon. The latter was destroyed in 480 BC by the returning Persians in the Destruction of Athens. In its spot was built the present day Parthenon. The existence of the Hekatompedon is mentioned in a few anceint Greek sources. Its foundations have disappeared, but architectural and sculptural elements found in the southern part of the Mycenaean wall of Acropolis of Athens have been assigned by scholars to this temple. 

Also assigned to this temple are these fragments of a Druid Akkadian text which were found on the site.

HKAT'.M.P.ED. seems to be an Akkadian phrase meaning "Hekate's fertility-fluids being opened by motivation" or "Hu's Kate's fertility-fluids being opened by motivation" (the /os/ suffix is a Greek noun ending). What is significant here is that "Kate" is being spelled out with inner vowels, a trait which the Greeks added when writing their own spoken language which was emerging about this time. The "motivation" here is the result of emotion-magic or astrology magic (mentioned in the text).



Translation Justifications

(January 1, 2025) Never before translated. Now at Epigraphical Museum, Athens, EM 6794 (Metope B)

Translation of Lines 1 and 2 in Akkadian  

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration
Letter Style is Aegean 500 BCE.  Letter Chart: Aegean Letter Lineage
  1. ...G. Qu Pu  E  Ya  :  Ḫu’u  Za'u  Ya  Zu.  Šu  R[1] Nu Tu  AYu  G[1]  ENu  Ḫu’u  Zu  A (Med 71.1)
  2. ... Z  M  E.  Ne'u  Ya  Zu  :  Ṭu  IKu  E ....  R.  EKu  AZu  Tu. (Med 71.2)

In English

  1. ...  The thread's openings (through the sky-shell) can't be made ineffective.  :  Astrology-owls (Athenian owls) can't render emanations. Similarly [word] cannot reveal astrology-magic for Ayu's [word]. Reassign the astrological-owl's emanations for that.
  2. ...    Don't emotionally-affect the emanations (with emotion magic)  :  Thu's irrigation ....  Starve the association with astrology-magic.

(January 1, 2025) Never before translated. Now at Epigraphical Museum, Athens, EM 6794 (Metope B)

Translation of Lines 3 and 4 in Akkadian  

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration
Letter Style is Aegean 500 BCE.  Letter Chart: Aegean Letter Lineage
  1. ...T  ATu.  ENu  Ga'u  [3]  :  LaRu  A  .......  Ṭu  AYu  [K]'  Zu.  Tu  AMu  Ya (Med 71.3)
  2. ... Zu  Ya  :  Tu  AḪu  Ya  ERu  A  :  Ḫu'u  Y  E ...... ḪY E [1]' .  Ru  Le'u  Nu  Tu. (Med 71.4)

In English

  1. ... monitoring. Reassign the break-outs [2 words]  :  Divert .....    Astrology-magic for Ayu [can pr]od the emanations (rain).  Astrology-magic does not affect the Reed-boat (Ayu)
  2. ....  does not affect the emanations.  :  Astrology-magic's attendants (owls) will not affect that harbor (rain making sky-shell)  :  The astrological-owls will not affect ....     .  Eagle vultures can layout the revelations of astrology-magic.

(January 6, 2025) Never before translated. Now at Epigraphical Museum, Athens, EM 6794 (Metope B)

Translation of Lines 5 and 6 in Akkadian  

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration
Letter Style is Aegean 500 BCE.  Letter Chart: Aegean Letter Lineage
  1. ...N  AYu  :   ŠaWu  TaRu  ANu  :  Mu  EDu ....... ANu  Mu  EDu  E (Med 71.5)
  2. ...  L  ED  :  E  Ta'u  Gi  URu  :  AMu ....... E.  Tu  Ya  Zu (Med 71.6)

In English

  1. ...  Ayu  :  Roast-offerings can change considerations  :  The fertility-fluid's motivations .....  considerations for fertility-fluids are motivating nothing.
  2. .... motivations  :  Nothing is pasturing the energy for the dawn  :  The Reed-Boat (Ayu) .....  Don't do astrology-magic for emanations.

(January 6, 2025) Never before translated. Now at Epigraphical Museum, Athens, EM 6794 (Metope B)

Translation of Lines 7 and 8 in Akkadian  

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration
Letter Style is Aegean 500 BCE.  Letter Chart: Aegean Letter Lineage
  1. ... Di'u  Zu  :  EŠu  Zu  ENu  A.  IṬu .... (Med 71.7)
  2. ...  M  Ya.  A  Zu  Ya  : : :   Ta'u  Zu  Ya ... (Med 71.8)

In English

  1. ...  divine-motion-realm's emanations  :  Confusion is emanating from those reassignments.  Make sticky ....
  2. ...  .  Those are not being emanated.  : : :   The pasture will not emanate ....

(January 6, 2025) Never before translated. Now at Epigraphical Museum, Athens, EM 6794 (Metope B)

Translation of Lines 9 and 10 in Akkadian  

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration
Letter Style is Aegean 500 BCE.  Letter Chart: Aegean Letter Lineage
  1. ... '  :  Ku  AYu  Ta'u.  GR ..... (Med 71.9)
  2. ...  E'  :  ENu  Ta'u  Zu.  Ta'u  K .... (Med 71.10)

In English

  1. ...  :  Involve Ayu with the pasture (starry night sky).  Guide ...
  2. ... Yahu (E')  :  Reassign the pasture's emanations (of fate). The pasture can be involved with ...

(January 6, 2025) Never before translated. Now at Epigraphical Museum, Athens, EM 6794 (Metope B)

Translation of Lines 11, 12 and 13 in Akkadian  

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration
Letter Style is Aegean 500 BCE.  Letter Chart: Aegean Letter Lineage
  1. ... [] '  Nu  :  Mu  E  A'u.  Nu  Ṭa’u ... (Med 71.11)
  2. Ta'u  Ṭu  ENu  ... (Med 71.12)
  3. Ku  A  Ta'u  Mu Gi ... (Med 71.13)

In English

  1. ...  revelations  :  Fertility-fluids can be made ineffective by emotion-powers (awen). Reveal the near-realm's ...
  2. The near-realm's Thu can reassign ...
  3. Involvement will result in the near-realm's fertility-fluid being energized. ...

(January 6, 2025) Never before translated. Now at Epigraphical Museum, Athens, EM 6794 (Metope B)

Translation of Lines 14 and 15 in Akkadian  

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration
Letter Style is Aegean 500 BCE.  Letter Chart: Aegean Letter Lineage
  1. NaTu  Ya  Du  Ru  A ... (Med 71.14)
  2. Nu  :  Ta'u  Ya  Zu [1]T  A .... (Med 71.15)

In English

  1. Don't give abundance by manifesting eagle-vultures. Those .....
  2. For revelations  :   Don't pasture the emanations. ....

(January 6, 2025) Never before translated. Now at Epigraphical Museum, Athens, EM 6794 (Metope B)

Translation of Lines 16 and 17 in Akkadian  

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration
Letter Style is Aegean 500 BCE.  Letter Chart: Aegean Letter Lineage
  1. AZu  Bu  A.  Ka'u  Re'u ..... (Med 71.16)
  2. E  A  EḪu  GiNu  E[1] .... (Med 71.17)

In English

  1. Associate nourishments with those.  Prod the shepherds (astrology magic crafters) ... 
  2. Make ineffective those constant shouts of .....

(January 6, 2025) Never before translated. Now at Epigraphical Museum, Athens, EM 6794 (Metope B)

Translation of Lines 18 and 19 in Akkadian  

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration
Letter Style is Aegean 500 BCE.  Letter Chart: Aegean Letter Lineage
  1. ...T  Ya  Zu  Ta'u  U  Ta'u (Med 71.18)
  2. ...  ReYu  TaRu  I'u  Ne'u.  :  SE  La'u (Med 71.19)

In English

  1. ...  don't [do something about] the emanations of the pasture (starry night sky) with the pasture.
  2. .....  The shepherds (astrology magic crafters) can change Yahu (I'u) with emotional effects.  :  Su can disable the layout (of fate as defined in the night sky)

(January 6, 2025) Never before translated. Now at Epigraphical Museum, Athens, EM 6794 (Metope B)

Translation of Lines 20 and 21 in Akkadian  

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration
Letter Style is Aegean 500 BCE.  Letter Chart: Aegean Letter Lineage
  1. ....  AZu  EMu.  Ga'u  [1]  E  Ya  :  Ku  AYu  Tu (Med 71.20)
  2. ...  AMu.  Ya  E  Ya'u  Nu  :  EMu  Ga'u  Lu  E  Ya  :  M (Med 71.21)

In English

  1. ... supervises the associations. Breaking-through (the sky-shell) is being disabled by [word]  :  Involve Ayu with astrology-magic
  2. ... Reed-Boat (Ayu).  Are we not disabling Yahu's (Y') revelations?  :  Associations will not disable the break-out's lack  :  of fertility-fluids

(January 6, 2025) Never before translated. Now at Epigraphical Museum, Athens, EM 6794 (Metope B)

Translation of Lines 22 and 23 in Akkadian  

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration
Letter Style is Aegean 500 BCE.  Letter Chart: Aegean Letter Lineage
  1. ....  '  UTu.  QaDu  Tu  IDu  [1]  AY  :  E  Ya  ṬaWu (Med 71.22)
  2. ...  ZiTu.  AMu  Yu  AZu  :  E  ANu  E'u   (Med 71.23)

In English

  1. ... [1]'  weaver (Ayu).  Transform astrology-magic to channel [energy] for Ayu  :  Don't disable the spinning (emotional energy)
  2. ...  proper-allocations. The Reed-Boat does not do associations.  :  Disable considerations for Yahu (E')

(January 6, 2025) Never before translated. Now at Epigraphical Museum, Athens, EM 6794 (Metope B)

Translation of Lines 24, 25, and 26 in Akkadian  

(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration
Letter Style is Aegean 500 BCE.  Letter Chart: Aegean Letter Lineage
  1. .... IKu.  EMu  ATu  A (Med 71.24)
  2. ... EKu  A  Ta'u.  NaDu Ru.  AŠu  Mu  E[1] .... (Med 71.25)
  3. ... [1]'  M  G[1]  Di'u  Ya  :  A  Ne'u  ILu  E...... (Med 71.26)

In English

  1. ...  the irrigation-network (life network). The Supervisor (Thu) can monitor  that.
  2. ...  Starvation is a result of the pasture (starry night sky).  Throw-out the eagle-vultures. Spew-forth the fertility-fluids with .... 
  3. ... [2] is not a divine-motion-power  :  That emotionally-affects the high-powers. Disable the ....