Life Manifestation God - Yahu/Yahweh

(January 2, 2025) Druid culture was perceptheistic in that divine powers were more felt than seen. Personification of the deities only started in a big way when empires began and their distant male rulers were perceived to be similar to the nature gods by the locals. Since rulers were male the divine feminine started to be downgraded at this time. These deities tended to be organized into royal courts.
Consequently, Druid images of deities are usually quite rare except in a few instances involving the goddesses where the Druid cultures have been in contact with the empire cultures of Egypt, Rome, and Hellenistic Greece. This rarity of imagery has has eased the Druid culture's suppression.


(January 2, 2025) Yahu is the masculine life-form manifestation god who represents the triggering of the invisible "things-given" on earth when he himself is triggered to do so by higher level life powers (fertility-fluids) coming down to earth. These "things-given" are the universal Platonic-forms of Greek philosophy. These "things-given" usually refers to life forms but they can also represent the forms of pottery and metal items. 

Yahu (YH) has these linguistic equivalents: Ia’u, I’u, E’u, Ea’u, and Ya’u. This came about because the /i/ and /e/ sounds often being mixed up in Akkadian, the Y and I letters are duals of each other with both representing the Semitic letter yod, and the glottal stop sound of ayin being slurred as /h/ as happens in many Akkadian words. 

Yahu became the Yahweh of the Hebrew Scriptures and the national god of Judah by adding the noun possessed ending /e/ or /i/ to Yahu to form the meaning “power of Yahu.” That derivation goes like this: Yahu + e = Yahue -> Yahwe because inner vowels not allowed in Akkadian and U/W are duals for the letter vav. This then becomes “Yahwh” or “Yahweh” because Hebrew typically does not have ending vowels for nouns and E/H are duals for the Semitic letter he. 

The Codex Runicus, shown above, was written in 1190 CE during the reign of Danish King Valdemar 1 according to the old Danish writing on its front page. This important book is the last testament of the Druids and the most complete statement of their philosophy which exists.
The Codex Runicus is now a part of the Arnamagnæan manuscript collection University of Copenhagen in Denmark. The collection in its entirety consists of approximately 3000 manuscript items, of which 1400 are in Copenhagen.
The collection is named after its founder, the Icelandic philologist and historian Árni Magnússon (Latinised as Arnas Magnæus, in Danish Arne Magnusson). Shortly before his death in 1730 he bequeathed his collection of manuscripts and printed books as well as his fortune to the University of Copenhagen, where he was professor of Danish antiquities.


Photos from: University of Copenhagen's Interactive Online Scan with Zoom:
Dictionary used is always the latest version which is found on this site here.  
Letter Chart Used: Rune (North European) Letters

Yahu in the Codex Runicus From the Balkans 1190 CE

(January 2, 2025) The Codex Runicus describes the middle-ground Druid theology in which life powers can be properly associated with the magical motion/emotion powers. The life powers make the connection changes in the life network and the motion powers push the fertility-fluids through those connected threads/channels. This way dominate in Aegean Islands and mainland Europe. Contrast this way with the life power devotion of the Israelites and the magical motion/emotion power devotion of the Minoans and Phoenicians.

A debate between those devoted to the life powers and those devoted to the magical emotion/motion powers often breaks out during a drought when each side seeks to blame the other's powers for the drought. This has been good for history because these arguments have given us most of our archaeological stone texts because each side wants to write down their viewpoint on stone.  

  1. Zodiac-houses  :  can lack astrological-activity.  :  Restrain the authorizations.  :  Fertility-fluids are not from the astrological-powers.  :  (Only) Energizing Yahu (YH) will not bring form-manifestations.  :  Reveal the enemies  :  of the high-life-powers.   (page 6, verse 5)
  2. Astrology-magic  :  can weave the form-manifestation's changes.  :  Thu is lacking nourishments  :  to energize Yahu's/Yahweh's (YH) changes.  :  Su's conductor (Sirius)  :  can nourish openings for offerings of emotional-arousal.  :  Water-transport  :  is being cursed.    (page 9, verse 4)
  3. The Form-Revealer (Asher) being prodded does not energize replacements.  :  She is channeling the state-changes. :  Thu can liberate the motion-powers.  :  Open involvement.  :  Involvement does not affect YaHu (YH).   :  Nourish the same.    (page 14, verse 6)
  4. Authorize the emotion-powers (Awen).  :  Thu activates Alu.  :  Thu can liberate.  :  The eyes-of-fate (stars and planets)  :  are lacking activity.  :  Reveal astrology-magic.  :  Energize Yahu (YH) with emotional-arousals from Su's astrology-magic.  :     (page 14, verse 7)
  5. Reveal the involvement of the eyes-of-fate (planets and stars) in foreshadowing the form-revelations.  :  Manifest astrology-magic.  :  Energize Yahu's (YH) emotional-arousal with the activity of astrology-magic.  :  Drumming can energize changes.  :  Su can bud  :  the layout (of the night sky).     (page 21, verse 1)
Bought in Jerusalem. Now at the Israel Museum 68.35.192. Seal made of of brownish agate 17 x 13 x 6 mm.

Jerusalem: Lacking Yahu Causes Problems (605 or 732 BCE Drought)

(April 30, 2023, updated January 2, 2024)  

Translation in Akkadian (Levant Text 60.119)

(Read right to left. Capital letters on seal. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verb is italic bold)
  1. Lu  GaDu  Lu  YaHu (Levant Text 60.119.1) 
  2. Bu  UŠu  Ku  Pu (Levant Text 60.119.2) 

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English. 

  1. Lacking leather-animals (sheep, goats) is from lacking Yahu
  2. Nourish the foundations for involving the Opener (Ayu)

Previous Hebrew Translation Attempt

Some Hebrew language scholars claim the text reads as follows: 

  1. Belonging to GedaJyahu
  2. son of Samak


Limestone plaque from the temple at Ekron written in Akkadian in the Israelite script style. This text is read from right to left. It is now displayed at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem (Photo from Wikimedia commons at
Map showing the location of Ekron in the center. Ekron was an unfortified Bronze Age town which was destroyed and then settled by the Philistines in 1150 BCE, taken over by the Israelites in 975 BCE, sieged and taken over by Assyrian king Sennacherib in 730 BCE, and then destroyed by the Babylonians around 600 BCE. This temple complex seems to have been some sort of sacred space during the Philistine, Israelite, and Assyrian periods.

Dedication Plaque from Israelite/Philistine Ekron Temple Devoted To Kate/Hekate (720 BCE)

(August 14, 2024, Updated January 2, 2025) This plaque was originally set within the temple sanctuary’s western wall but it fell to the floor during the building's destruction by the Babylonians in 604 or 603 BCE. This city despite being ruled by Israel still seems to be mostly Philistine in culture. Many silver crescent moon earrings representing the goddess Ayu were also found in the temple complex. Notice the Philistine "Yahu" is spelled differently as "Ya'u" from the Israelite version "Yahu." (the letter ayin tends to slur over time. This is attested in many Akkadian words).

Translation in Akkadian (Levant Text 35)

(read right to left. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. )
  1. BeTu  Bu  Nu.  AKu  IṢu  Bu. NaLu  Du  Ya   Bu Nu
  2. Ya  Su   RaBu  Nu.  ADu  LeBu  Mu.  Ya'u  RēṢe  Rē’u  Qu.
  3. Bu  Nu  Gi.  LeTu  Ya  Hu  A.  Du  Tu.  ETu  Bu  Ru.  Ku  ELu Tu.
  4. [3] .... ARu  UYa  Bu.  EZu  TuDu  DaKu.

In English

  1. House for Nourishing the Revealer (Kate/Hekate). Emotion-owls can make scarce the nourishments. Dispersal (in the life network) will not manifest nourishments for the Revealer.
  2. Shouldn't Su be authorizing the Revealer? The Instigator (Su) can liberate the fertility-fluids. Yahu's (I') life-powers can shepherd the threads.
  3. Nourish the Revealer's (Kate/Hekate) energy.  Don't split off Hu from that.  Manifest astrology-magic. The boundary (network) can nourish the eagle-vultures. Involve the high-life-powers with astrology- magic.
  4. [missing words] Controllers (of fertility-fluid flow) can fate-curse the nourishments.  Frustration can sire restorations (to the afterlife in this case).

Comment on line 2: Astrological motion powers usually had to authorize human emotional motion powers in order to make them effective, that is, to turn them into emotion magic powers.

The temple had its own olive oil press in room O (lower center) for making its own scented oils for rituals and probably for sale. Rooms V and W contained hundreds of gold, silver, and bronze objects along with lots of ceramics. One of these was an ivory female figurine and an ivory knob having a cartouche of Ramses VIII (1129-1126 BCE) which would have dated back to the time of the original Philistine settlement. Room q had a gold 23 cm long cobra (Egyptian Uraeus). The great hall near the entrance had the burnt remains of large man-shaped ivory sculpture. (Gitin, Dothan, Naveh, 1997)

The city of Ekron eventually covered 85 acres making it a large city. It also became one of the largest olive oil production centers in the Mediterranean.


Gitin, S., Dothan, T., and Naveh, J. (1997) "A Royal Dedicatory Inscription from Ekron," Israel Exploration Journal 47: 1-18
Gitin, S., Golani, A. (2001) The Tel Miqne-Ekron Silver Hordes: The Assyrian and Phoenician Connections.  In Hacksilber to Coinage: New Insights into the Monetary History of the Near East and Greece. edited by Miriam Balmuth. American Numismatic Society. Online at:

Langut, D. Finkelsein, I, Litt, T. (2013) Climate and the Late Bronze Collapse: New Evidence from the Levant. Tel Aviv 40:149-175.  
Mazar, Amihai (2005) The Debate over the Chronology of the Iron Age in the Southern Levant: its History, the Current Situation and a Suggested Resolution. pp. 15-30 in: T. Levy and T. Higham (editors), The Bible and Radiocarbon Dating - Archaeology, Text and Science. London. Online at:
These bronze spearheads were discovered in 1953 when all 26 were put on sale in the Jordanian antiquities market. These were bought and investigated by archaeologists with the result that most ended up in the Amman Museum in Jordan (Milik and Cross 1954). This hoard was discovered to have come from the small village of el-Khadr located two miles west of Bethlehem. Image from Milik and Cross (1954). Letter assignments by Olmsted.

El-Khadr Philistine Spearheads 1, 3, and 4 Explicitly Mentions Yahu and Describes Emotional Energy as Magic 940 BCE

(August 21, 2022, Updated January 2, 2024) A cache of twenty-six bronze spearheads was hidden in ancient times in the land of Judah. Five of these had inscriptions with 4 of the inscriptions having Philistine style lettering while the 5th had Phoenician style lettering. 

All spears are stating that the life power aspect of Yahu has to be activated by one of 3 possible motion powers sources: emotional arousal of emotion magic, emotional arousal of astrology magic, and direct arousal from the divine motion power realm. The 2 spears (numbered 3 and 4) having Yahu activated by magic have their deity names reversed from the rest of the sentence, that is, the spearhead has to be turned upside down to read the names. The life power aspect of Yahu is indicated by having him called Hu's Yahu. In the Hebrew scriptures the god Alu replaces Hu giving the phrase 'elohim Yahweh mistranslated as "Lord God" when is should read "life-empowered Yahweh."

Translation in Akkadian

(read right to left, shaft to point, upside down letters read left to right in the picture)
  1. Ḫu  Ya'u  Bu  D'u  Bu  A  Tu (Lev Text 1.1)

  2. Ḫu  Ya'u. (letters upside down so reads oppositely)  TaBu   ReDu  Bu (Lev Text 1.3)
  3. Ḫu  Ya'u.  (letters upside down so reads oppositely) Tu Abu  ReDu  Bu (Lev Text 1.4)

In English

  1. Hu's Yahu (I'u) nourishments from the divine-motion-realm can be nourished by its astrology-magic

  2. Hu's Yahu (I'u)  emotional-arousal can drive the nourishment 
  3. Hu's Yahu (I'u)  astrology magic from the priest-parents can drive the nourishments


Milik, J.T. and Cross, F.M (1954) Inscribed Javelin Heads from the Period of the Judges; A Recent Discovery in Palestine.  Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, No. 134 (Apr., 1954), pp. 5-15. Online at:  URL:

Etruscan Ritual Bowl Text - 525 BCE

(October 9, 2023, updated January 3, 2025) Letter assignments by Olmsted.  This text example was found in the Etruscan City of Vulci in 1848. The bowl is dated to between 550 and 500 BCE based on its pottery style. The letter style is Aegean but it is one of the first written in the Greek/Latin direction of left to right. It is now in the Louvre (Numéro d'entrée: MN 60 Numéro catalogue: F 82). Online at:

Translation in Akkadian (Med Text 42)

(read right to left. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold)  
  1. Nu  E  ANu  [1]  Re'u.  Zu  E  Pa'u  YaHu.  Zu  E  Nu. (Med Text 42.1)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Revelations (of fate) can make ineffective considerations of [word] by the shepherds. Emanation's can make ineffective the network-birds for Yahu (YH). Emanations are not from revelations.

Comment: "Considerations" are focused emotions of emotion magic. "Shepherds" are magic crafters which are primarily associated with astrology magic (a form of emotion magic)  involving the dark new moon god Su. "Emanations are life powers (fertility-fluids) flowing to earth which when manifested directly are rain, sunlight, and heat.

Perugia Stone

(September 23, 2023) This Perugia Stone was discovered on the hill of San Marco, near Perugia, Italy, in 1822. The stone bears 46 lines of incised Etruscan text. Photo from the book The Land of the Etruscans (1985) edited by Salvatore Settis, Scalia Publishing

Etruscan Perugia Stone - 499 BCE

(January 3, 2025) This is Med Text 39.

  1. Sacrifices which lack those celestial-healing powers will reveal the Reed-Boat's (Ayu's) scent.  The high-life-powers of Yahu (E') can be nourished by those (death) convulsions. (line 3)
  2. No-one is revealing the fertility fluids.  Yahu (Y') is not.  Yahu's (Y') higher-powers are mobilized and revealed by priest-parents. Reassignments are crimping nothing. (line 10)

Comment: Line 3 is so far the only mention of ritual sacrifices in the Druid runic texts and it is associated with Yahu/Yahweh and the higher life powers which trigger his manifestation activity. Sacrifices were never a part of the magical emotion/motion class of powers. Sacrifices only became popular in Pagan culture after the deities had been personified. Once personified, deities could be manipulated just like humans. 

Carthage Stone as display at the Carthage National Museum in Byrsa, Tunisia. Photo from م ض via Wikimedia Commons at:
Carthage Stone being examined at the Carthage National Museum in Byrsa, Tunisia. Originally, this stone was likely placed in a temple wall. Photo from م ض via Wikimedia Commons at:
  1. Lexicon Used: Alphabetic Akkadian Lexicon - 4th Edition 2023. Online at:
  2. Letter Chart Used:  Central Mediterranean Letters
  3. Deity Summary: Ancient Pagan Paradigm

Carthage Stone Blames Astrology Magic From Su For Drought (170 BCE)

(January 9, 2024) This text is is a debate concerning which class of powers is to blame for  a drought. 

In English (Med Text 13)

  1. (blames astrology powers) We are lacking the wool-stuffing (life network) because of the astrology-powers.  Is not that the same as astrology-magic?  Nothing is being purified  |  Open the irrigation of the life-threads by getting Involved.  Push-away the eagle-vultures.  Nothing of Hu's is manifesting the fertility-fluids.  The Reed-Boat (Ayu) can make chaotic the nourishing of Hu.
  2. (blames life powers) Fertility-fluids are lacking Thu.  The binding (of network links to motion powers) is lacking Thu and the Observer (Su). The Revealer (Kate/Hekate) is being nested.  Yahu (Y') can be shaped by the Observer (Su).  The Revealer is being nested by the enemy.  The Revealer is getting involved with the Reed-Boat.  The Revealer will respect the openings.  |  Nourish the dispersal (of fertility-fluids by the network).
  3. (blames astrology powers) Life-threads should be set by nourishments.  The Revealer (Kate/Hekate) can intimidate the motion-powers.  Hu can nourish the life-threads.  The Revealer is getting involved with Thu because Revealer is not being prodded.  Don't starve the weavers (who form the life network).  Network-birds can nourish life-manifestations.  Don't get involved in querying astrology-magic.
  4. (blames life powers) The evening can be involved with the group (network bird flock). We can set the nourishments. We can reveal the nest (life-network).  Yahu can reveal those nourishments.  The evening is not getting involved with the magical queries.  Astrology-magic is not lacking.  Activity (motion powers) should catch-the-wind and those. Emanations can be revealed them.    
  5. (blames astrology powers) Activate Hu's setting (of life-network at dusk, setting sun). Repel astrology-magic. Starvation is originating with the emotion-owls.  The Reed-Boat (Ayu) is nesting.  Involve the life-threads.  Query the setting.  The threads can be irrigated by Hu's fruit is because of these Reed-Boat (Ayu) powers.
  6. (blames life powers) The Reed-Boat (Ayu) can irrigate the Revealer (Kate/Hekate). Astrological-Activity is because of livers (emotions) being opened.  |  The Weaver (Ayu) is considering revelations (of life forms) involving the patrollers (planets).  Astrology-magic can replace the combing and the astrological-powers (in organizing the network). Scarce are the life-manifestations. Irrigate those Hu-powers.  The life-manifestations are the same.
  7. (blames astrology powers) Fate-Cursed is the revealing of fertility-fluids. The starvation is from paralyzing the nourishments involving the Reed-Boat (Ayu).  The Moon-Eye (Su) can make angry the astrological powers.  No one is observing the involvement.  No-one is considering activity (motion powers) is causing the lack of Ayu.  The lack is being administered by the astrology-powers. The irrigation-system can reveal involvement.