Motion Source Goddess - Selu, Selene
Naples Archaeological Museum. Inventory number 14268
Feminine Motion Source Power Selu/Selene
(Updated April 25, 2024, Updated January 4, 2025) Selu/Selene is the feminine emotion/motion source power. Feminine powers either allocate or direct the raw power generated by their complementary masculine power which in this case is Su who creates the motions and emotions which change things. She is the goddess of celestial light and the inner spark of life in contrast to Su's darkness of the new moon and eye pupil. She allocates emotional arousal and emotional strength. Her celestial healing acts to keep emotions in balance.
The word “Selene” in Akkadian means “powers of Selu with its /en/ ending.” Her images show her with upraised arms indicating her celestial connection.
Greek writer Hesiod (500 BCE) in his Theogony said this about the goddess Selene in line 371 (the "clear" adjective in this text should be translated as "glowing":
And Theia was subject in love to Hyperion (high watchers, divine sparks of consciousness) and bore great Helius (Sun) and clear Selene and Eos (Dawn) who shines upon all that are on earth and upon the deathless Gods who live in the wide heaven.Online at: this early mention here in Hesiod (and in Homer) no Greek temples were devoted to Selene indicating her foreign origin.
Silver Denarius coin put out by Roman emperor Nero showing the round temple of Vesta on the back-side. 54-68 CE
Copper coin showing Selene/Vesta put out by the Roman emperor Caligula around 40 CE. This is now at the British Museum (number R.6458). Vesta is holding a staff of authority and a ring which has been interpreted uncertainly as an offering bowl.
The letters S and C are Akkadian in the Etruscan style. They are actually the letters S and B and form the phrase "Su's nourisher."
Selu/Selene as Vesta/Esta (Goddess of the Hearth)
(February 17, 2025) In the Aegean and Italy, Selu/Selene became associated with the community hearth as a protector of fortune. The derivative nature of this role is exhibited by the fact that this role is described by an Akkadian phrase. Vesta is the Akkadian phrase US.T meaning "Binders of Astrology-magic." This word is similar to ancient Greek ἑστία (Estia) which is the Akkadian phrase meaning ES.T meaning "Spiritual-fluids of astrology magic." Spiritual fluids were thought to be the ethereal and gaseous emanations of stars and fires. The hearth power protected the community against the powers of fate. As virgins, the Vestal Virgins had nothing to do with fertility and the life powers. In Rome the protectors against fate for the family were the Lares, the "diverters" in Akkadian leaving the Vestal Virgins to protect the state.
Some ancients held that the hearth and center of the universe was Vesta (not the sun). Aristotle wrote this around 340 BCE (in On the Heavens, book 2, section 13, Here earth is a star because it moves, not because it shines:
- It remains to speak of the earth, of its position, of the question whether it is at rest or in motion, and of its shape.
- As to its position there is some difference of opinion. Most people-all, in fact, who regard the whole heaven as finite-say it lies at the center. But the Italian philosophers known as Pythagoreans take the contrary view. At the center, they say, is fire, and the earth is one of the stars, creating night and day by its circular motion about the center. They further construct another earth in opposition to ours to which they give the name counter-earth. In all this they are not seeking for theories and causes to account for observed facts, but rather forcing their observations and trying to accommodate them to certain theories and opinions of their own. But there are many others who would agree that it is wrong to give the earth the central position, looking for confirmation rather to theory than to the facts of observation. Their view is that the most precious place befits the most precious thing: but fire, they say, is more precious than earth, and the limit than the intermediate, and the circumference and the centre are limits. Reasoning on this basis they take the view that it is not earth that lies at the centre of the sphere, but rather fire. The Pythagoreans have a further reason. They hold that the most important part of the world, which is the centre, should be most strictly guarded, and name it, or rather the fire which occupies that place, the 'Guardhouse of Zeus',
Earlier in section 9 Aristotle clearly states these same Pythagoreans also claimed the sun moved so for them the sun was not at the center of the universe. The Pythagoreans claimed that because they moved they produced a sound which harmonized with all the other sounds of the cosmos. In contrast, Aristotle claims that they are embedded in invisible spheres which move instead and which makes no sound:
- From all this it is clear that the theory that the movement of the stars produces a harmony, i.e. that the sounds they make are concordant, in spite of the grace and originality with which it has been stated, is nevertheless untrue. Some thinkers (the Pythagoreans) suppose that the motion of bodies of that size must produce a noise, since on our earth the motion of bodies far inferior in size and in speed of movement has that effect. Also, when the sun and the moon, they say, and all the stars, so great in number and in size, are moving with so rapid a motion, how should they not produce a sound immensely great?
In 75 CE the Greek historian Plutarch, who became a Roman citizen, wrote a biography about Numa, the semi-legendary 2nd king of Rome (Numa Pompilius, He explained the origin of the Vestal Virgins as:
- He (the Pontifex Maximus, the chief priest appointed by Numa) was also guardian of the vestal virgins, the institution of whom, and of their perpetual fire, was attributed to Numa, who, perhaps, fancied the charge of the pure and uncorrupted flames would be firstly entrusted to chaste and unpolluted persons, or that fire, which consumes, but produces nothing, bears an analogy to the virgin estate. In Greece, wherever a perpetual holy fire is kept, as at Delphi and Athens the charge of it is committed, not to virgins, but widows past the time of marriage. And in case by any accident it should happen that this fire became extinct, ... then, afterwards, in kindling this fire again, it was esteemed an impiety to light it from common sparks or flame, or from anything but the pure and unpolluted rays of the sun, which they usually effect by concave mirrors, of a figure formed by the revolution of an isosceles rectangular triangle, all the lines from the circumference of which meeting in a center, by holding it in the light of the sun they can collect and concentrate all its rays at this one point of convergence; where the air will now become rarefied, and any light, dry, combustible matter will kindle as soon as applied, under the effect of the rays, which here acquired the substance and active force of fire.
- It is said, also, that Numa built the temple of Vesta, which was intended for a repository of the holy fire, of a circular form, not to represent the figure of the earth, as if that were the same as Vesta, but that of the general universe, in the center of which the Pythagoreans place the element of fire, and give it the name of Vesta and the unit; and do not hold that the earth is immovable, or that it is situated in the center of the globe, but that it keeps a circular motion about the seat of fire, and is not in the number of the primary elements; in this agreeing with the opinion of Plato, who, they say, in his later life, conceived that the earth held a lateral position, and that the central and sovereign space was reserved for some nobler body.
Selu/Selene Pot from Slovakia 4000 BCE
Minoan Goddess Sela/Selene Figurines at Heraklion Museum on Crete 1800 - 1400 BCE
(September 2, 2022) This picture shows Druid goddess Selu (Selene) figurines with their upraised hands behind the little girl to show their scale. This picture was taken in the Minoan Archaeological Museum in Heraklion Crete.
These goddesses are a mix of colors and hand palm directions which seem to indicate how Selu's motion powers are being applied. The red statuettes (red being the color of life) with hands towards each other indicate her motion power is being applied to the life powers, pushing the fertility fluids through the life network. In contrast, the white statuettes with hands forward indicate her motion powers are being applied to the winds to move boats and bring rain.
The Codex Runicus is now a part of the Arnamagnæan manuscript collection University of Copenhagen in Denmark. The collection in its entirety consists of approximately 3000 manuscript items, of which 1400 are in Copenhagen.
The collection is named after its founder, the Icelandic philologist and historian Árni Magnússon (Latinised as Arnas Magnæus, in Danish Arne Magnusson). Shortly before his death in 1730 he bequeathed his collection of manuscripts and printed books as well as his fortune to the University of Copenhagen, where he was professor of Danish antiquities.
Photos from: University of Copenhagen's Interactive Online Scan with Zoom:
Dictionary used is always the latest version which is found on this site here.
Letter Chart Used: Rune (North European) Letters
(January 5, 2025) The Codex Runicus describes the middle-ground Druid theology in which life powers can be properly associated with the magical motion/emotion powers. The life powers make the connection changes in the life network and the motion powers push the fertility-fluids through those connected threads/channels. This way dominate in Aegean Islands and mainland Europe. Contrast this way with the life power devotion of the Israelites and the magical motion/emotion power devotion of the Minoans and Phoenicians.
A debate between those devoted to the life powers and those devoted to the magical emotion/motion powers often breaks out during a drought when each side seeks to blame the other's powers for the drought. This has been good for history because these arguments have given us most of our archaeological stone texts because each side wants to write down their viewpoint on stone.
By the time of the Codex Runicus, Selu/Selene was most often paired with Su using the epithet "Controllers" because the motion powers control all changes.
- The lack of involvement : of the Form-Revealer (Asher) can be narrowed-down : by the changes :: (Chapter 3) The High-life-power's eagle-vultures : can be nourished by opening the nourishments for Selu/Selene. : The Revealer (Kate/Hekate) from the life-priest-fathers : can be involved with that. (page 6, verse 8)
- The High-Life-Powers can manifest (changes of) the Controllers (Su, Selu/Selene). : Open involvement. : The zodiac-houses are activating fighting. : The boundary-powers are not pressuring the nourishments of the Moon-Eye (Su) : Gather-together the emotional-arousals. (page 3 , verse 14)
- High-Life-Powers can be manifested by the Controllers (Su, Selu/Selene). : The layout : will involve instigating and opening the form-manifestations by the Controllers. : The astrological-magic's activity : can prod the eagle-vultures which can prod those : designing-powers : (page 4 , verse 11)
- The Controllers (Su, Selene) : can inhibit Kate. : Free-up the drivers (motion powers) : Manifest astrology-magic's activity : by involving that energy. : Thu is lacking the blessings of astrology-magic's activity. : Motion-changes : are being constrained. (page 22 , verse 3)
- Lack : of changes : in the high-life-powers will manifest the Controllers. : High-life-powers can manifest the Controllers. : Open involvement : The high-life-powers can manifest the Controllers. : Exposure will manifest them. (page 25, verse 11)
- Eagle-vultures : can expose the manifestations of the Controllers. : High-life-powers can manifest the Controllers. : Exposure can manifest the changes : by opening similar-things. : Exposure can manifest astrology-magic. (page 25, verse 12)
Photo from Carol Raddato via Wikimedia Commons at:,_found_in_Cirta_(ancient_Constantine,_Algeria),_around_300-200_BC,_Louvre_Lens,_France_(26329653164).jpg
(November 24, 2023) The top image of this gravestone shows the sky-shell with the dark new moon traveling along it indicating the text is about the emotion/motion powers. That turns out to be the case as the text is about motion/emotion powers affecting the life powers.
The bottom shows an image of the celestial light goddess Selu/Selene. In the past these goddess images with upraised arms have been identified with a goddess called Tanit. No such goddess exists in properly translated texts.
The central text says:
- Is not hope being revealed? Are not the nest's (life network) threads being starved of [word]?
- Anger is being poured-away. The shepherds (emotion magic crafters) are nourishing the life-threads. Astrology-magic can energize the involvement of the Revealer (Kate/Hekate)
- The nourishments can emotionally-affect life-manifestations. Threading the nest will make-scarce eagle-vulture chaos.
- Attention can be prodded by activity (motion powers). Cannot the priest-parents shepherd the eagle-vultures?
The Etruscan/Roman Orator of Arringatore 400 BCE
(September 29, 2023) Letter assignments by Olmsted. Photo from corneliagraco (2010) with Creative Commons license at:
Translation in Akkadian (Med Text 40)
(read right to left. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold) - A ULu EMu Ya | Ṣu ETu ELu IMu | Pu E. | Pu EZu Ya ALu | Bu Ku E. NaMu Ya. (Med Text 40.1)
- Bu ENu SeLu. EDu EMu Tu. EBu ESu ANu. Mu Lu Ya ENu. [1] Nu E (Med Text 40.2)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English
- Those Alu-powers (life-powers) are not being supervised. | Activity-levels of the boundary (sky shell network) are emotionally-triggered by the high-ones. | Openings are being ineffective. | Openings are not being frustrated by Alu-powers. | Nourishments are involved with nothing. Don't be a fertility-fluid revealer.
- Nourishments are being reassigned by Selu/Selene (celestial light goddess). Motivations are being supervised by astrology-magic. The sky-shell is filtering considerations (focused emotion of emotion magic). Fertility-fluids are not lacking reassignments. [word] are revealing nothing.
Above map copied from Nijboar (2008)
"The fluted bowl is another example of a ceremonial vase of eastern origin, adopted and reproduced in Etruria. Used only by the king and his officials in the Assyrian court, it became a symbol of rank in aristocratic Etruscan banquets and was employed symbolically in banquets of the dead and of the ancestors. The few imported examples can be identified by the dense fluting that became less pronounce and more widely spaced in the locally produced versions. In the Regoline-Galassi tomb, apart from an (this) example in silver there were also eleven bronze fluted bowls attached with nails to the walls of the main burial chamber and possibly the antechamber. " (photo and quote from Sannibale 2016)
(Feb 12, 2023) This bowl was found in 1995 within an early Iron Age II archaeological layer in a burial cave. This cave was located in northern Galilee 10 miles (17 km) northeast of Acre and a few miles north of the Jezreel valley (Alexandre 2002a). In 1997 this bowl was cleaned and it was found to contain an inscription (Alexandre 2002b). The bowl’s deposit layer of Iron Age II dates it to between 1000 and 600 BCE. The Etruscans exported these sorts of ritual bowls between 750 and 600 BCE.
The letters on this bronze fluted serving bowl are a mix of Philistine and Israelite meaning it was written locally on a ritual bowl imported from Eturia. The language of the text is Akkadian. It reads:
Translation in Akkadian
(Read right to left. Capital letters on foil Small letters are inferred Inner vowels)- U SeLu E ḪaBu Nu Ṣu Mu Le'u (Levant Text 3)
In English.
- With Selu is not bringing passions for revelations activate fertility-fluids with astrological-powers
Selu is the Motion source goddess who represents the spark of animation (soul) as the source of emotions/motions and the glow of the heavenly bodies. Her masculine complement is the full moon god Su. The "revelations" mentioned in the text are the manifestations of invisible life forms provided by the life powers. For a form to be manifested it must be triggered by fertility fluids which in turn must be pushed though the channels of the life network either by emotion magic or astrological powers.
Sass, B. (2005) The Alphabet at the Turn of the Millennium. Tel Aviv. Emery and Claire Yass Publications in Archeology
Alexandre Y. (2002a) The Iron Age Assemblage from Cave 3 at Kefar Veradim. In Gall 2002:53-63
Alexandre Y. (2002b) A Fluted Bronze Bowl with a Canannite – Early Phoenician Inscription from Kefar Veradim. in Gal 2002:65-74
Israel Museum - Online at
Nijboar, A.J. (2008) Italy and the Levant during the late Bronze and Iron Ages (1200-750/700 BCE) Online at
Sannibale, Mauzizao (2016) The Etruscan Orientalizing: The View from the Regolini-Galassi Tomb, In Assyrian to Iberia – Art and Culture in the Iron Age. Joan Aruz and Michael Seymour editors. Online at:
(Obsolete) Olmsted, D. (Dec 3, 2020) Late Philistine/Phoenician Kfar Veradim Ritual Bowl Text Mentions How Astrological Fate is Overcoming Emotion Magic (730 BCE). Online at:
(Jan 29, 2023) This red sandstone statuette was found on the floor of the Hathor temple at the turquoise mine at Serabit el-Khadim in the Sinai. It is blaming the life-priests with their grilled meat fat (aroma) offerings to Hathor (the feminine connective life power of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm).
Top Text in Akkadian (Sinai Text 5.3)
(right to left reading)- selȗ mâ’u mu a
In English
- Selu is pushing away these fertility-fluids
Bottom Text in Akkadian (right to left reading)
- bu zu du
In English
- Nourishments are being eliminated by the life-powers
Roman-Jewish War Half-Shekel with "Conflict" Label 66-70 CE
(Feb 18, 2023, Updated January 4, 2025) This is a silver half shekel.
The lady is the chalice is Kate/Hekate who has the power of life and death. The red Pomegranates represent life.
Chalice Side Translation (Lev 31.1)
In Akkadian
(read right to left)Letter Chart Used: Levent Letter Lineage
- ŠeGu (center label)
In English
- For Conflict
- Equalize the lack Israel
Pomegranate Side Translation (Lev 31.2)
In Akkadian
(read right to left)- IRu Ṣu ŠeLu. IKu EṬu. DaṢu Še E
In English
- Astrological-fate-powers are activating Selu/Selene. The irrigated-field (life-network) has gone dark. Disrespect makes ineffective the equality (between the motion/emotion powers and the life powers).