Israelite Sealings: Lack of Life From Lack of Motion-Powers
For translation methodology see: How to Translate Alphabetic Akkadian Texts
The 50 year long Great Drought of 1180 to 1140 BCE (Iron Age 1 period) is what ended the Bronze Age and the 5-year long Elijah drought of 845-840 BCE. The yellow gives the tree pollen level while the green gives the non-tree pollen level. (Langut and Finkelsein 2013)
Droughts Defined the Archaeological Periods in the Levant
(May 3, 2023) Droughts separate the archaeological periods in the Levant. States weakened by local droughts were often subject to raids right after the droughts by Mesopotamian empires which were unaffected due to their irrigation. Below is the latest widely accepted chronology proposed by Amihai Mazar in 2014 shown below:
Droughts According to Drought Chart
- 1180-1140 BCE - Great Drought
- 980 BCE
- 845-840 BCE - Elijah Drought
- 732 BCE - led to Assyrian invasion
- 605 BCE - led to Babylonian invasion
Diagnostic Letter Shapes For Dating
- 605 BCE - "A" has square peak. "L" has hooked appendage.
- 732 BCE - "A" has pointed peak. "L" has flat appendage.
Langut, D. Finkelsein, I, Litt, T. (2013) Climate and the Late Bronze Collapse: New Evidence from the Levant. Tel Aviv 40:149-175. Online at, Amihai (2005) The Debate over the Chronology of the Iron Age in the Southern Levant: its History, the Current Situation and a Suggested Resolution. pp. 15-30 in: T. Levy and T. Higham (editors), The Bible and Radiocarbon Dating - Archaeology, Text and Science. London. Online at:
Bought in Jerusalem; present location not reported. Seal made of buff limestone, perforated, 11 x 11 x ? mm.
Lack of Goddess Selene Is Not From Feelings of Envy (735 BCE Drought)
(April 1, 2023) Image of running gazelle symbolizes prosperous life powers. Selu (Selene) is the source goddess of the magical motion powers and the one involved with emotion magic. The text is stating the land is prosperous yet the emotional state of society is lacking in some way.
Translation in Akkadian (Levant Text 60.78)
(Read right to left. Capital letters on seal. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verb is italic bold)- Lu ŠeLu QiNu E (Levant Text 60.78.1)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English.
- Any-Lack of Selu (Selene) is not from envy
Previous Hebrew Translation Attempt
Some Hebrew language scholars claim the text reads as follows:
- Belonging to Ushna servant of Ahaz
Avigad, Nahman; Sass, Benjamin (1997) Corpus of West Semitic Stamp Seals. Published by THE ISRAEL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES, THE ISRAEL EXPLORATION SOCIETY, THE INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGY, and THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM. Online at: Astrological Powers Are Not Energizing the Filtrate (605 0r 732 BCE Drought)
(April 29, 2023) Main image on this seal is of a dog representing the dog star Sirius. This represents the astrological powers of the motion (energy) class of powers. Standing on the dog is a playful child standing on one leg which is probably meant to represent emotions which are the other source of motion powers.
Translation in Akkadian (Levant Text 60.118)
(Read right to left. Capital letters on seal. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verb is italic bold)- Gi Bu Ya ESu (Levant Text 60.118.1)
- [letters unreadable] (Levant Text 60.118.2)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English.
- Energy is not nourishing the filtrate
- [unreadable]
Previous Hebrew Translation Attempt
Some Hebrew language scholars claim the text reads as follows:
- Gaddiyahu/Geriyahu
- P ...
Avigad, Nahman; Sass, Benjamin (1997) Corpus of West Semitic Stamp Seals. Published by THE ISRAEL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES, THE ISRAEL EXPLORATION SOCIETY, THE INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGY, and THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM. Online at: The letter "S" on the image side means Su which is the name of the full moon god and motion source power shown seated on a throne. Yet the image is of the feminine crescent moon which represents the goddess Ayu.
Fertility-Fluids (Filtrate) Are Not Being Pushed Hard Enough Through the Life Network (605 BCE Drought)
(April 25, 2023) Image of the moon powers with the full moon god Su shown seated on the throne and the life-network editing goddess Ayu shown as the cresent moon.
Translation in Akkadian (Levant Text 60.97)
(Read right to left. Capital letters on seal. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verb is italic bold)- Lu Su Ṣu Ku ESu (Levant Text 60.97.1)
- Ku Ṣu UṢu (Levant Text 60.97.2)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English.
- Any-Lack of Su's activity is involving the filtrate
- Involve the activity's originator (Su)
Previous Hebrew Translation Attempt
Some Hebrew language scholars claim the text reads as follows:
- Belonging to Ashyahu
- (son of) msms
Avigad, Nahman; Sass, Benjamin (1997) Corpus of West Semitic Stamp Seals. Published by THE ISRAEL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES, THE ISRAEL EXPLORATION SOCIETY, THE INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGY, and THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM. Online at: Drought Due to Nourishments Being Cursed and Not Getting Involved with Motion Powers (605 BCE Drought)
(April 27, 2023)
Translation in Akkadian (Levant Text 60.109)
(Read right to left. Capital letters on seal. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verb is italic bold)- Lu Bu UYa ESu (Levant Text 60.109.1)
- Bu U Ṣu Lu Ku (Levant Text 60.109.2)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English
- Any-Lack of nourishment is from fate-cursing the filtrate
- Nourishments and activity are lacking involvement
Previous Hebrew Translation Attempt
Some Hebrew language scholars claim the text reads as follows:
- Belonging to Benayahu
- son of Shallum
Avigad, Nahman; Sass, Benjamin (1997) Corpus of West Semitic Stamp Seals. Published by THE ISRAEL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES, THE ISRAEL EXPLORATION SOCIETY, THE INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGY, and THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM. Online at: Jerusalem: Lacking Yahu Causes Problems (605 0r 732 BCE Drought)
(April 30, 2023, updated January 2, 2024)
Translation in Akkadian (Levant Text 60.119)
(Read right to left. Capital letters on seal. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verb is italic bold)- Lu GaDu Lu YaHu (Levant Text 60.119.1)
- Bu UŠu Ku Pu (Levant Text 60.119.2)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English.
- Lacking leather-animals (sheep, goats) is from lacking Yahu
- Nourish the foundations for involving the Opener (Ayu)
Previous Hebrew Translation Attempt
Some Hebrew language scholars claim the text reads as follows:
- Belonging to GedaJyahu
- son of Samak
Avigad, Nahman; Sass, Benjamin (1997) Corpus of West Semitic Stamp Seals. Published by THE ISRAEL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES, THE ISRAEL EXPLORATION SOCIETY, THE INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGY, and THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM. Online at: Drought Was Not Predicted By Divination (605 BCE Drought)
(April 27, 2023) Image has 3 sailing ships in the center with 2 large and 1 small sun showing how it travels across the sky during the day. The sailing ships seem to represent the power of the wind which is a motion power. The multiple line shapes seem to represent snakes which symbolize the power of life and death.
Translation in Akkadian (Levant Text 60.110)
(Read right to left. Capital letters on seal. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verb is italic bold)- Lu Bu ŠiSu Ya (Levant Text 60.110.1)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English.
- Any lack of nourishments has not been announced
Previous Hebrew Translation Attempt
Some Hebrew language scholars claim the text reads as follows:
- Belonging to Besai
Avigad, Nahman; Sass, Benjamin (1997) Corpus of West Semitic Stamp Seals. Published by THE ISRAEL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES, THE ISRAEL EXPLORATION SOCIETY, THE INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGY, and THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM. Online at: Lack of Life Due To Lack of Eagle-Vulture Energy (605 BCE Drought)
(April 26, 2023) Image is the lotus flower which by opening every morning to the sun represents the life powers. The text is claiming that not energizing the eagle-vultures causes a lack of life powers.
Translation in Akkadian (Levant Text 60.68)
(Read right to left. Capital letters on seal. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verb is italic bold)- Lu A Lu IPu Ru (Levant Text 60.68.1)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English.
- Any-Lack of this is from lacking grease for the eagle-vultures
Previous Hebrew Translation Attempt
- Belonging to Elisur/Elyasar
Avigad, Nahman; Sass, Benjamin (1997) Corpus of West Semitic Stamp Seals. Published by THE ISRAEL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES, THE ISRAEL EXPLORATION SOCIETY, THE INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGY, and THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM. Online at: Network Filtering Not Working Because Of Lack of Filtrate Pushing (605 BCE Drought)
(April 6, 2023) Letters seem to date near the end of this time period.
Translation in Akkadian (Levant Text 60.20)
(Read right to left. Capital letters on seal. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verb is italic bold)- Lu Gi Lu AYu ESu (Levant Text 60.20.1)
- AṢu ReDu Lu (Levant Text 60.20.2)
- EKu Šu (Levant Text 60.20.3)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English.
- Any-Lack of energy is from a lack of Ayu's filtering.
- Expulsions (of fertility-fluids) lack a driver
- Starvation is the same
Previous Hebrew Translation Attempt
Some Hebrew language scholars claim the text reads as follows:
- Belonging to Pela 'yahu
- who is over
- the corvee "
Avigad, Nahman; Sass, Benjamin (1997) Corpus of West Semitic Stamp Seals. Published by THE ISRAEL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES, THE ISRAEL EXPLORATION SOCIETY, THE INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGY, and THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM. Online at: Lack of Pushing From Motion Powers Prevents Manifestation of Life (605 BCE Drought)
(April 17, 2023) Image is of the sky-shell with stars on each end. This represents the astrological powers pushing the fertility-fluids through the network. The text is about how life-priests affect this pushing by changing the connections of the network.
Translation in Akkadian (Levant Text 60.67)
(Read right to left. Capital letters on seal. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verb is italic bold)- Lu A LeYu ESu (Levant Text 60.67.1)
- Ya Qu KaYyu ESu (Levant Text 60.67.2)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English.
- Any-Lack of this is from administering the filtrate
- Are not network-threads physically-affected by the filtering?
Previous Hebrew Translation Attempt
Some Hebrew language scholars claim the text reads as follows but they have to ignore some letters to make this translation:
- Belonging to Eliyahu
- Yeqamyahu
Avigad, Nahman; Sass, Benjamin (1997) Corpus of West Semitic Stamp Seals. Published by THE ISRAEL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES, THE ISRAEL EXPLORA TION SOCIETY, THE INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGY, asnd THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM. Online at: Life Powers Normal Unless Astrological Powers Interfere (605 BCE Drought)
(May 25, 2023) This text seems to have been paired with an image which is now lost.
Translation in Akkadian (Levant Text 60.64)
(Read right to left. Capital letters on seal. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verb is italic bold)- Lu A Lu Ya ARu Bu (Levant Text 60.64.1)
- U IRu Ku Ya ESu (Levant Text 60.64.2)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English.
- Any-Lack of this is not from lacking the Controller's nourishments
- while astrological-powers not involved with the filtering
Previous Hebrew Translation Attempt
Some Hebrew language scholars claim the text reads as follows but they have to ignore some letters to make this translation:
- Belonging to Eli'ur son
- of Yirmiyahu
Avigad, Nahman; Sass, Benjamin (1997) Corpus of West Semitic Stamp Seals. Published by THE ISRAEL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES, THE ISRAEL EXPLORA TION SOCIETY, THE INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGY, asnd THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM. Online at: Lack of Pushing From Astrological Powers Prevents Manifestation of Life (605 BCE Drought)
(April 17, 2023) Image is of the sky-shell with stars on each end. The astrological powers which normally push the fertility fluids through the life network filter is lacking. Thus the network lack openings for the fertility fluids through the sky-shell to manifest the rains.
Translation in Akkadian (Levant Text 60.14)
(Read right to left. Capital letters on seal. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verb is italic bold)- Lu IRu AYu ESu (Levant Text 60.14.1)
- Bu Nu EKu Pu (Levant Text 60.14.2)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English.
- Any-Lack of astrological-powers filters Ayu
- Nourishments (from priests) are revealing starvation of the openings
Previous Hebrew Translation Attempt
Some Hebrew language scholars claim the text reads as follows but they have to ignore some letters to make this translation:
- Belonging to Malkiyahu
- son of the king
Avigad, Nahman; Sass, Benjamin (1997) Corpus of West Semitic Stamp Seals. Published by THE ISRAEL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES, THE ISRAEL EXPLORA TION SOCIETY, THE INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGY, asnd THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM. Online at: Seal made from amethyst 10 x 7 x 6 mm.
Lack of Life and Eagle-Vultures is Due to Not Supporting the Full Moon Motion Source God Su (605 BCE Drought)
(April 4, 2023) Image at the top is an Egyptian Ankh sign representing life. Image on the bottom is a snake-like eagle-vulture which is one of the prodders of the connective network layers of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. Snakes represent the power of life and death.
Translation in Akkadian (Levant Text 60.46)
(Read right to left. Capital letters on seal. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verb is italic bold)- Lu A Bu Ya Su (Levant Text 60.46.1)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English.
- Any-Lack of these is from not nourishing Su
Previous Hebrew Translation Attempt
None presented
Avigad, Nahman; Sass, Benjamin (1997) Corpus of West Semitic Stamp Seals. Published by THE ISRAEL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES, THE ISRAEL EXPLORATION SOCIETY, THE INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGY, and THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM. Online at: Life-Priests Need Motion Powers (605 BCE Drought)
(March 31, 2023) Image is of a ram's head which seems to represent energy.
Translation in Akkadian (Levant Text 60.17)
(Read right to left. Capital letters on seal. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verb is italic bold)- Lu Gi ReYu ESu (Levant Text 60.17.1)
- 'Bu Nu EKu Lu Pu (Levant Text 60.17.2)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English.
- Any-Lack of energy is from shepherding the filtrate
- Life-Priests (Fathers) are revealing starvation from the lack of openings
Previous Hebrew Translation Attempt
Some Hebrew language scholars claim the text reads as follows:
- Belonging to Neriyahu
- son of the king
Avigad, Nahman; Sass, Benjamin (1997) Corpus of West Semitic Stamp Seals. Published by THE ISRAEL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES, THE ISRAEL EXPLORATION SOCIETY, THE INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGY, and THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM. Online at: Lack of Energy to Move the Fertility-Fluids is Causing the Starvation (Drought 605 BCE)
(March 31, 2023) Image is of a ram's head which seems to represent energy.
Translation in Akkadian (Levant Text 60.19)
(Read right to left. Capital letters on seal. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verb is italic bold)- Lu Gi Du Ya ESu Bu Nu (Levant Text 60.19.1)
- EKu Lu Bu (Levant Text 60.19.2)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English.
- Any-Lack of energy is from not manifesting the filtrate which is for nourishing the Revealer
- Starvation is from lacking openings
Previous Hebrew Translation Attempt
Some Hebrew language scholars claim the text reads as follows:
- Belonging to Pedayahu son of
- the king
Avigad, Nahman; Sass, Benjamin (1997) Corpus of West Semitic Stamp Seals. Published by THE ISRAEL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES, THE ISRAEL EXPLORATION SOCIETY, THE INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGY, and THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM. Online at: Lacking These Things Due to Neglecting Motion Powers (605 BCE Drought)
(May 25, 2023) Seal has 3 images from left to right:
- Egyptian Ank sign representing life,
- Headless Rooster meaning network gatekeeping has been destroyed
- Fish which represents motion power emanations
Translation in Akkadian (Levant Text 60.57)
(Read right to left. Capital letters on seal. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verb is italic bold) - Lu A ḪiYa Qu Ku (Levant Text 60.57.1)
- Ku TaWu (Levant Text 60.57.2)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English.
- Any-lack of these is from respecting the thread's involvement.
- Involve the pasture (starry night sky representing astrological powers)
Previous Hebrew Translation Attempt
Some Hebrew language scholars claim the text reads as follows:
- Belonging to Ahiqam
- (son of) Mattan
Avigad, Nahman; Sass, Benjamin (1997) Corpus of West Semitic Stamp Seals. Published by THE ISRAEL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES, THE ISRAEL EXPLORATION SOCIETY, THE INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGY, and THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM. Online at: Seal made of dark red carneJian, 15 x 11 x 8 mm.
Lack of Astrological Powers Results in a Lack of Fertility-Fluid Motion (605 BCE Drought)
(April 16, 2023)
Translation in Akkadian (Levant Text 60.10)
(Read right to left. Capital letters on seal. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verb is italic bold)- Lu Ṣu Ka'u Mu (Levant Text 60.10.1)
- BaDu EKu LaŠu (Levant Text 60.10.2)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English.
- Any-Lack of activity is physically-affecting the fertility-fluids
- The evening is starving the influences
Previous Hebrew Translation Attempt
- Belonging to Shema' ser-
- vant of the king
Avigad, Nahman; Sass, Benjamin (1997) Corpus of West Semitic Stamp Seals. Published by THE ISRAEL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES, THE ISRAEL EXPLORATION SOCIETY, THE INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGY, and THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM. Online at: Lack of Eagle-Vultures Not Caused by Motion Powers (605 BCE Drought)
(April 21, 2023) Image is of a 4-winged eagle-vulture.
Translation in Akkadian (Levant Text 60.82)
(Read right to left. Capital letters on seal. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verb is italic bold)- Lu A Lu Ṣu Ku (Levant Text 60.82.1)
- [4 letters] (Levant Text 60.82.2)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English.
- Any-Lack of this is from lacking activity's involvement
- [incomplete sentence]
Previous Hebrew Translation Attempt
Some Hebrew language scholars claim the text reads as follows:
- Belonging to Elishama
- son of Pallu