Motion Source God Su/Sin/Suen
Masculine Motion Source Power - Su
(June 19, 2023, Updated January 3, 2025) Motion deities were responsible for all changes in object positions (motion) on earth. This is in contrast to the life deities which were responsible for all growth changes. Motion powers were the magical powers.
Su is represented by both the dark new moon and the pupil of the eye so he represents both the astrological and emotional components of the motion power class. Hence he is involved in astrology magic as well as emotion magic. He is not, however, involved in the powers fate which also derivine from the night sky and which are associated with the life source goddess Kate/Hekate.
Su's eye correspondence gives rise to Su’s epithets which are “Observer” and "Moon-Eye." Hence he is associated with owls which are often seen as omens of change.
The new moon defines the monthly cycles so Su is also “father time” or "time-keeper" (Akkadian šattu with 2 "t's").
This deity has also been called "Sin" or "Suen." The /n/ or /m/ suffix is the means "powers of" when applied to deities so those words should be translated as "powers of Su."
Front of Temple Token From Palmyra, Syria 50 BCE
(February 28, 2024, updated January 3, 2025) The image on this face shows some young person or deity surround by astronomical symbols. Starting from the face, these are circling clockwise:
- Unknown symbol
- Ringed disk representing the dark new moon god Su
- Comet
- Sirius (sun's companion star representing the integrations of the life and motion powers.)
- Crescent moon representing the connective life goddess Ayu.
Now at the Louvre. Item number AO 1951
Back of Temple Token From Palmyra, Syria 50 BCE
(February 28, 2024, updated January 3, 2025) In the center is a disk encircled by 8 small disks having an unknown meaning. Adjacent to it is the ringed disk representing the dark new moon god Su.
The text is stating that Su is resisting the flow of life powers to earth. Implied is that this lack of life powers is causing a drought which is killing the suffering humans (the "tearful" in the text).
The letter style is early Aramaic.
Translation in Akkadian (Levant Text 69.1)
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. (Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)Letter Chart used: Levant Lineage
- Ku Qu. Su WaNu WaLu. AWu QaPu Bu Ku (Lev 69.1)
In English
- Involve the life-threads. Su is resisting Alu. Emotion-powers (Awen) can collapse the nourishment's involvement
Now at the Louvre. Item number AO 1951
(August 13, 2022, Updated January 3, 2025) Read left to right. This is not a workshop tag but seems to be a temple tag with a religious phrase. The letter style is Minoan Linear A.
Translation into Akkadian (Minoan Text 1.5)
- Su Lu. Ḫu Wa
Into English
- Su is lacking. Hu is being crimped
Find location was not listed
Godart, L. and Poursat, J-C (1978) Malia. Le Quartier Mu 1. Introduction générale par J.-Cl. Poursat. Écriture hiéroglyphique crétoise par L. Godart et J.-P. Olivier. Études crétoises, 23, 1978 - 2021 École Française d'Athènes. Online at: Codex Runicus is now a part of the Arnamagnæan manuscript collection University of Copenhagen in Denmark. The collection in its entirety consists of approximately 3000 manuscript items, of which 1400 are in Copenhagen.
The collection is named after its founder, the Icelandic philologist and historian Árni Magnússon (Latinised as Arnas Magnæus, in Danish Arne Magnusson). Shortly before his death in 1730 he bequeathed his collection of manuscripts and printed books as well as his fortune to the University of Copenhagen, where he was professor of Danish antiquities.
Photos from: University of Copenhagen's Interactive Online Scan with Zoom:
Dictionary used is always the latest version which is found on this site here.
Letter Chart Used: Rune (North European) Letters
(January 3, 2025) The Codex Runicus describes the middle-ground Druid theology in which life powers can be properly associated with the magical motion/emotion powers. The life powers make the connection changes in the life network and the motion powers push the fertility-fluids through those connected threads/channels. This way dominate in Aegean Islands and mainland Europe. Contrast this way with the life power devotion of the Israelites and the magical motion/emotion power devotion of the Minoans and Phoenicians.
A debate between those devoted to the life powers and those devoted to the magical emotion/motion powers often breaks out during a drought when each side seeks to blame the other's powers for the drought. This has been good for history because these arguments have given us most of our archaeological stone texts because each side wants to write down their viewpoint on stone.
- Reveal the enemies. : Involve the eagle-vultures with the Moon-Eye's (Su) activity. Enemies of Su have been opened and : are lacking nothing. : Lack of nourishments was death-omened for the emotion-powers (Awen) : by the lack of nourishment from the zodiac-houses. (page 5, verse 1)
- Astrology-magic can be isolated from changes. : To lack nothing : involve those priest-parents. : The transport of water : can be revealed by activity liberating Su's changes. : Manifest astrology-magic's activity. (page 5, verse 2)
- Are not : the weavers (Vates) isolating the enemy? : Emotion-power's (Awen's) : manifestations are lacking : Su's Sirius. : Nourishments can be opened by offerings arousing the Form-Revealer (Asher). : Reveal those nourishing-powers. (page 6, verse 12)
- Energy disciplines the Form-Revealer (Asher) : Thu can be aroused by the nourishing of astrology-magic : The boundary-powers : do not do-astrology-magic. : Is not : the boundary energized by Su? : Thu : can open the involvement : of Su's conductor (star Sirius). (page 7, verse 8)
- Su can set the things-given. : Alu can rake : the design (network). : Nourishments can be opened by Su's emotional-arousal : of the layout. : Thu can liberate the Revealer's (Kate's) : nourishing. (page 7, verse 12)
- The Revealer (Kate) can be prodded by energy which lacks replacement : Thing's-given (the invisible life forms) : can be revealed when life-channels are emotionally-aroused : Astrology-magic can change mortal-space : Su can bud : the astrological-fate-powers for the mortal-space. (page 8, verse 6)
- Energizing the enemies : with astrology-magic changes mortal-space. : The form-manifestation's changes can cause lack : from diversions in the boundary. : Emotion-powers (Awen) can be manifested by astrology-magic. : Astrology-magic can change Su. (page 8, verse 8)
Nile Delta: Motion God Su Affects Yahu (700-610 BCE)
(May 10, 2023) The full moon god Su is adequately pushing and pouring the fertility-fluids (filtrate) through the channels (threads) of the life network. Nothing is being adversely affected.
Translation in Akkadian (Levant Text 60.203)
(Read right to left. Capital letters on seal. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verb is italic bold)- Su Gi Qu (Levant Text 60.203.1)
- Lu Ya RaKu (Levant Text 60.203.2)
- Zu Su KaRu Ya E (Levant Text 60.203.3)
(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)
In English
- Su is energizing the threads.
- Not lacking is the inpouring.
- Emanations of Su are not reducing anything.
Previous Hebrew Translation Attempt
Some Hebrew language scholars claim the text reads as follows:
- Belonging to Yarim
- (son of) Zimriyahu
Avigad, Nahman; Sass, Benjamin (1997) Corpus of West Semitic Stamp Seals. Published by THE ISRAEL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES, THE ISRAEL EXPLORATION SOCIETY, THE INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGY, and THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM. Online at: - Lexicon Used: Alphabetic Akkadian Lexicon - 4th Edition 2023. Online at:
- Letter Chart Used: Central Mediterranean Letters
- Deity Summary: Ancient Pagan Paradigm
Carthage Stone Blames Astrology Magic From Su For Drought (170 BCE)
(January 9, 2024) This text is is a debate concerning which class of powers is to blame for a drought.
In English (Med Text 13)
- (blames astrology powers) We are lacking the wool-stuffing (life network) because of the astrology-powers. Is not that the same as astrology-magic? Nothing is being purified | Open the irrigation of the life-threads by getting Involved. Push-away the eagle-vultures. Nothing of Hu's is manifesting the fertility-fluids. The Reed-Boat (Ayu) can make chaotic the nourishing of Hu.
- (blames life powers) Fertility-fluids are lacking Thu. The binding (of network links to motion powers) is lacking Thu and the Observer (Su). The Revealer (Kate/Hekate) is being nested. Yahu (Y') can be shaped by the Observer (Su). The Revealer is being nested by the enemy. The Revealer is getting involved with the Reed-Boat. The Revealer will respect the openings. | Nourish the dispersal (of fertility-fluids by the network).
- (blames astrology powers) Life-threads should be set by nourishments. The Revealer (Kate/Hekate) can intimidate the motion-powers. Hu can nourish the life-threads. The Revealer is getting involved with Thu because Revealer is not being prodded. Don't starve the weavers (who form the life network). Network-birds can nourish life-manifestations. Don't get involved in querying astrology-magic.
- (blames life powers) The evening can be involved with the group (network bird flock). We can set the nourishments. We can reveal the nest (network). Yahu can reveal those nourishments. The evening is not getting involved with the magical queries. Astrology-magic is not lacking. Astrology-magic is not lacking. Activity (motion powers) can catch-the-wind with that. Emanations can be revealed them.
- (blames astrology powers) Activate Hu's setting (of life-network at dusk, setting sun). Repel astrology-magic. Starvation is originating with the emotion-owls. The Reed-Boat (Ayu) is nesting. Involve the life-threads. Query the setting. The threads can be irrigated by Hu's fruit is because of these Reed-Boat (Ayu) powers.
- (blames life powers) The Reed-Boat (Ayu) can irrigate the Revealer (Kate/Hekate). Astrological-activity is because of livers (emotions) being opened. | The Weaver (Ayu) is considering revelations (of life forms) involving the patrollers (planets). Astrology-magic can replace the combing and the astrological-powers (in organizing the network). Scarce are the life-manifestations. Irrigate those Hu-powers. The life-manifestations are the same.
- (blames astrology powers) Fate-Cursed is the revealing of fertility-fluids. The starvation is from paralyzing the nourishments involving the Reed-Boat (Ayu). The Moon-Eye (Su) can make angry the astrological powers. No one is observing the involvement. No-one is considering activity (motion powers) is causing the lack of Ayu. The lack is being administered by the astrology-powers. The irrigation-system can reveal involvement.