Etruscan Magliano Disk 499 BCE

(September 14, 2023) The lead disk of Magliano measures about 8 by 7 cm  and weighs 58g so it is not very large. Side 1 is on the left while side 2 is on the right. It was found 2 km south east of Magliano village in the heart of Tuscany (ancient Etruria) on February 22, 1882. It was located under the surface of a field near the stream Fosso Patrignone and just to the west of the former church and monastery of Santa Maria of Borraccia. This church complex was in existence by 1300. Another inscribed lead found in the same area about fifteen years before 1882 but it was unfortunately converted into bullets.  It is now housed in the National Archaeological Museum in Florence.

So far, Druid texts written on disks are some sort of philosophical debate.


van der Meer, L Bouke (2013) THE LEAD PLAQUE OF MAGLIANO. Online at:
Magliano is in the heart of Tuscany (ancient Etruria) being 8 km northwest of ancient Marsiliana and 10 miles via a small river from the coast.

Translation of Side 1

(September 21, 2023) This text is a debate about which emotion magic to use to combat the fate powers from the planets which are being blamed for a drought.

Side 1 is promoting the use of astrology magic (an emotion magic from the dark new moon and eye pupil god Su) to correct a drought. This emotion magic, despite being from the night sky, is different from the astrological-fate-powers from the planets.

Side 2 is instead promoting the use of human sourced emotion magic as the corrective. The texts read:

Side 1

  1. Nourishments have been fate-cursed (causing) life-threads to be associated (with astrology powers).  |  The veil is causing pain for the nourishments.  |  Energy from liquorice is similarly  |  drying-up.  |  Activity of the Moon-Eye (Su) makes-mooned-eyed Yahu (Y').  |  Nourishing those will not bake Alu.   |  Lacking those is causing nesting.  |  Hu is drying-up the Revealer (Kate/Hekate).  |  The veil [is doing something].  |  The Revealer is being neglected from the lack of  |  activity from considerations (focused emotions)  |  Activity can be crafted with the Moon-Eye for Reed-Boat's (Ayu) cha[nnels] .  |  Su (moon) does not motion-empower Alu's involvement.
  2. Ayu's emanations are motivating the association  |  of the Moon-Eyes  |  with sky-shell  (life power) emanations.  |  The activity  of Moon-Eye is futile.  |  (His) activity is lacking emotion.  Nourishments are not from the Moon-Eye.  | The Observer (Su) is not being revealed.  |  Involvement should not be astrologically-empowered.  |   The prodding (of fertility fluid flow) likewise.  |  Don't energize  the blocking of Su.  |  Nourishments are not being motion-empowered by the shepherd's (emotion magic crafters) involvement with the motion-powers.  |  
  3. Activity from the Observer (Su) can emotionally-trigger counter-balancing,  Activity-levels will be re-assigned to (parts of) the irrigation-system (life network) in lacking that.  |  Celestial-Healing is manifested by emanations.  |  Don't nourish those lacking of motion-powers.  |  Don't make the same blockages of activity.  The veil manifests emanations from the same place.  Open the nourishments from them.  |  
  4. Nourish the neglected-one's (eagle-vultures) re-assignments.  |  Involve  fate-curses in redirection.  |  Motion-powers similarly.  |  Confusing the Weaver (Ayu)  pressures the neglected-ones. The Supervisor (Alu) is not being revealed.  The activity from magic-crafter openings is not being re-assigned.
  5. Yahu's (E')  |  involvement is not being patrolled.  |  Activate these connections.

Side 2

  1. Nourishment openings are lacking which is frustrating the nourishers (life priests). The sky-shell is not revealing Hu.  |  Not veiling  |  blockages can activate  reassignments (of life-network links).  Enemies of life-priests are activating the Observer (Su).   [few words]  life-priests.  |  Yahu's (E') involvement is not being fate-cursed when revealing the high-life-powers.  |
  2. Activate considerations (focused emotions of emotion magic)   |  Life-manifestations can be greased by emotions.  |  Lack of supervision can nourish shedding (rain).  |  Eagle-vultures are stripping naked the nourishments.  [word] emotionally-triggers fate-curses.  Are not emanations (rain) causing frustration?  They are nothing.  Are not emanations causing cries-of-anguish?
  3. Prodding from magic-crafter's considerations can activate involvement (with life powers) lacking emanations, lacking shedding (rain),  lacking spewing (spring water).  The spewing can be starved by the Moon-Eye (Su).
  4. Redirecting [word] of Hu will manifest those. Nesting will not activate Hu and make ineffective Yahu (Y') with revelations (of fate).

(Sept 23, 2023)

Translation in Akkadian (Med Text 38.1.1)

(read right to left. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold)  
  1. Bu  AWu. Qu  AZu  |  Ku  U'u  IWu |  APu  YaYa  Bu  |  ŠaṬu  ṬiṬu  |  EPu  |  Šu  INu  Ya'u  INu  |  Bu  A  Za'u  Ya  ALu  |  Lu  A  Ba'u  |  Ḫu  EPu  Nu  |  APu  ??.  Nu  EGu  Lu  |  Ṣu  ANu  |   Ṣu  UDu  INu  AMu  I[1]  |  Su  ALu  Ku  A'u  Y  |

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Nourishments are being fate-cursed.  Life-Threads are being associated.  |  The veil is causing pain for the nourishments.  |  Ignoring the soil  |  being dried-up.  |  Activity of the moon-eyed-ones makes-mooned-eyed Yahu (Y').  |  Nourishing those will not bake Alu.  |  Lacking those is causing nesting.  |  Hu is drying-up the Revealer.  |  The veil [word].  |  The Revealer is being neglected from the lack of  |  activity from considerations (focused emotions)  |  Activity should be crafted by the moon-eyes (astrology magic crafters) for Reed-Boat's (Ayu) cha[nnels] .  |  Su (moon) does not motion-empower Alu's involvement.

(Sept 18, 2023)

Translation in Akkadian (Med Text 38.1.2)

(read right to left. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold)  
  1. AYu  Zu  EDu  AZu  |  INu  |  EBu  Zu  |  Ṣu  ENu  E  |   Ṣu  Lu  A'u.  Bu  E  INu.  |  ADu  Nu  Ya.  |  Ku  Le'u  Ya   |  KaYu  Šu  |  Gi  Ya  Ṣa'u  Ṣu  |  Bu  A'u  Ya  Re'u  Ku  A'u  |

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Ayu's emanations are motivating the association  |  of moon-eyed-ones (astrology magic crafters)  |  with sky-shell  emanations.  |  The activity  of moon-eyed-ones is futile.  |  Activity is lacking motion.  Nourishments are not from moon-eyed-ones.  | The Observer (moon) is not being revealed  |  Involvement  is not being astrological-empowered.  |   The prodding (of fertility fluid flow) likewise  |  Don't energize  the blocking of Su.  |  Nourishments are not being motion-empowered by the shepherd's (emotion magic crafters) involvement with the motion-powers.  |  

(Sept 18, 2023)

Translation in Akkadian (Med Text 38.1.3)

(read right to left. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold)  
  1. Ṣu  ADu  IMu  MuLu.  Ṣu  ENu  IKu  Lu  A  |  ASu  Du  Zu  | Bu  Ya  A  Lu  A'u  |  Šu  Ya  Ṣe'u  Ṣu.  APu  Du  Zu  Šu. |  Pu  Bu  A  |  

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Activity from the Observer (moon) can emotionally-trigger counter-balancing,  Activity-levels will be re-assigned to (parts of) the irrigation-system (life network) in lacking that.  |  Celestial-Healing is manifested by emanations.  |  Don't nourish those lacking of motion-powers.  |  Don't make the same blockages of activity.  The veil manifests emanations from the same place.  Open the nourishments from them.  |  

(Sept 19, 2023)

Translation in Akkadian (Med Text 38.1.4)

(read right to left. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold)  
  1. Bu  EGu  ENu  |  Ku  U'a  IWu  |  'W  Šu  |  IŠu  UKu  EGu  DaḪu.  EMu  Nu  Ya  |  Ṣu  UDu  Pu  ENu  Ya  |    (Med Text 38.4)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Nourish the neglected-one's (eagle-vultures) re-assignments.  |  Involve  fate-curses in redirection.  |  Motion-powers similarly.  |  Confusing the Weaver (Ayu)  pressures the neglected-ones. The Supervisor (Alu) is not being revealed.  The activity from magic-crafter openings is not being re-assigned.

(Sept 19, 2023)

Translation in Akkadian (Med Text 38.1.5)

(read right to left. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold)  
  1. E'u  |  Ku  UBu  Ya  |  Ṣu  A  DaBu (Med Text 38.5)

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Yahu's (E')  |  involvement is not being patrolled.  |  Activate these connections.

(Sept 20, 2023)

Translation in Akkadian (Med Text 38.2.1)

(read right to left. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold)  
  1.  Bu  Pu  Lu  UZu  Bu.  EBu  Nu  Ya  Ḫu  |  APu  Ya  |  ṢeYu  Ṣu  ENu.  YaBu.  ABu  Ṣu  ADu  [  ]  AB  |  E'u  Ku  U'a  Ya  U  Nu  ELu  |    

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Nourishment openings are lacking which is frustrating the nourishers (life priests). The sky-shell is not revealing Hu.  |  Not veiling  |  blockages can activate  reassignments.  Enemies of life-priests are activating the Observer (moon).   [few words]  life-priests.  |  Yahu's (E') involvement is not being fate-cursed when revealing the high-life-powers.  |

(Sept 20, 2023)

Translation in Akkadian (Med Text 38.2.2)

(read right to left. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold)  
  1. Ṣu  AN  |  Du  IPu  AWu  |  Lu  EMu  Bu  EṢu  |  Ru  NeKu  Bu.  P[1]  IMu  U'a.  Yu  Zu  EZu.  Šu  EYu  Zu  Eu   

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Activate considerations (focused emotions of emotion magic)   |  Life-manifestations can be greased by emotions.  |  Lack of supervision can nourish shedding (rain).  |  Eagle-vultures are stripping naked the nourishments.  [word] emotionally-triggers fate-curses.  Are not emanations (invisible life causations) causing frustration?  They are nothing.  Are not emanations causing cries-of-anguish?

(Sept 21, 2023)

Translation in Akkadian (Med Text 38.2.3)

(read right to left. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold)  
  1. KaYu  UDu  ANu  Ṣu  Ku  Lu  Zu,  Lu  EṢu,  Lu  AŠu.  AŠu  EKu  INu  

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Prodding from magic-crafter's considerations can activate involvement (with life powers) lacking emanations (mystical life growth changes), lacking shedding (rain),  lacking spewing (spring water).  The spewing can be starved by the moon-eyed-ones.

(Sept 21, 2023)

Translation in Akkadian (Med Text 38.2.4)

(read right to left. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold)  
  1. IWu  [1]'  Ḫ  D  A.  Ba'u  Ṣu  Yu  Ḫu  U  E  Ya'u  U  Nu

(Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration)

In English

  1. Redirecting [word] of Hu will manifest those. Nesting will not activate Hu and make ineffective Yahu (Y') with revelations (of fate).