Lines-Vertical Dense Uncapped (Grain Stalks, Fluid, Mass)
Image: Emotional binding to a piece of wood (open square)
Definition: (noun) weapon, a hit, a punch, (verb). to hit, to stab, to kill, to fight
Image: chalice - left from Sippar Stone
Definitions: (noun) feared-ones, feared-place, underdome - the underdome is the home of dead souls and spirits. Its powers of place are represented by goddess Hekate in the Druid pantheon and MUL in the Sumerian who is also called "Lady of the Chalice" (NIN.GAL), (adj) feared, fearful, great, mysterious, powerful, (verb) to make fearful
Image: Human (LU2) with scepter or chalice (GAL) overhead which represent the concept of rule who decides the fate of things
Definition: Fate-Caller
Image: Human having horizontal lines indicating a focus on a person's inner substances. This human has a scepter or chalice (GAL) overhead which represent the concept of rule. This sign means "life-ruler." In the Ancient Pagan Paradigm the life powers are controlled by fertility-fluids.
Definition: life-ruler, fertility-fluids
- (Noun) fertility-fluids: SX 1.1, SX 1.2, SX 1.4
Image: a V-shaped object probably meant to represent the crescent moon
Definition: (noun) silver, silvery-one, (adj) silvery - often an epithet for the crescent moon goddess INANNA, often an epithet for money. Adjective example "silvery words" is analogous to English "smooth talker."
Image: Chalice with a controlling gate, may possibly represent an alcoholic drink
Definition: to enliven, to live, to let live, to green up (if referring to plant)
Image: grain stalks with a control gate on the right
Definition: (noun) growth, (verb) to grow,
Image: side view of water behind a gate
Definitions: (noun) controlled-amount (verb) to control
(verb) to control: SN 1.2
Image: Controller gate (long vertical line) controlling something having motion (angled lines, wind) and grain (vertical lines, life)
Definition: lord, lady, royalty - some one who control land and its resources
Image: Blocked gate which normally controls the growth of crops in a field (DAR)
Definition: (verb) to lock out, to be locked up
Image: gated fluids over a gated canal
Definition: channel, channeler - "Channeler" is an epithet for INANNA
Image: Person over something
Definition: lord, high official
Image: Side view of three layer Ancient Pagan Paradigm with middle layer being a control layer as indicated by the angled line. Top layer is a pool of fluids. Bottom layer is represented by arrow feathers corresponding to air or wind. Thus is represents the interaction of the two opposite powers, life (fertility) and motion.
Definition: (verb) to surround, besiege, to lock (interaction of opposing national powers)
Image: Top has side view of water behind a controllable gate (ŠU). Center shows wheat in a canal. Bottom shows another gate.
Definition: Farm irrigation canal
Image: Top view of a mass blocking a canal
Definition: cross-piece
Image: Side view of grain stalks confined within a space
Definitions: earth, place, area, (noun) where, wherever (preposition)
Image: fish with fluid lines
Definition: some type of fish, maybe an eel or dolphin
Image: grain stalks crossing the boundaries of its space (can be removed)
Definition: (noun) storeroom (verb) to store, to accumulate
Image: Filled diamond space (DIN meaning health) with fluids being poured into it and it in turn pouring some fluid out onto the earth plane
Definition: (noun) allotment, (verb) to allocate
Image: blocked land,
Definition: blocked road, blocked trade route?
Image: Side view of a two story building with top level a mix of things and the lower level full of grain.
Definition: abundance, wealth
Image: Divine channels (strings) coming down to the network
Definition: messages, omens, messenger, diviner
Image: Grain (ŠE) over fluid falling on storage pot which has a control gate on the bottom (ŠA). Bottom angled lines tended to become horizontal over time
Definition: (noun) drought (grain.emptiness)
Image: Falling water (rain) over farm land indicated by 2 furrows
Definition: (noun) storm, anger, (verb) to blow, to storm, to get angry
Image: Water falling onto a storage pot having either a control valve or an earth plane at the bottom
Definition: to empty
Image: Water falling onto a storage pot - from Sippar stone
Definition: to supply (opposite ŠA)
Image: wheat or rain over an overflowing storage pot
Definition: to make abundant
Image: Dividing the top and bottom is a sky gate. The top half is a filled storage pot being filled with fluid. The bottom is a filled cooking pot on a fire (SAG) representing good fortune.
Definition: ?
Image: section of land with growing grain
Definition: (noun) involvement, (verb) due to, because of, involved with
Image: gate over battle ax (powers, ME) over involvement (ŠE3)
Definition: to last long, to live long, (adj) old, traditional, long-lasting
Image: Plot of land over a cooking pot having boundary-crossing (transforming) fire at bottom.
Definition: shrine, temple, dining hall
Image: Wheat over irregular land holding a mix of things
Definition: district, settled territory
Image: Center open storage pot containing a smaller storage pot filled with liquid. Bottom is a boundary crossing fire. Top is a plot of land filled with a mixture of things
Definition: beer bread, to brew, beer
Image: Fluids channels on top over 2 crossed pairs of network lines (channels) leading to wheat stalks
Definition: to twist, to turn?
Image: Fluid channels over 1 crossed pair of network lines. The network lines are gated (horizontal lines). These feed into wheat stalks
Definition: (unknown)
Image: Wooden door placed on the ground having 2 kinds of cross-hatching
Definition: gate
Image: ?
Definition: to break off?