Megiddo Mosaic Translation 200 BCE
(November 27, 2024) Top view of the mosaic floor of a Roman Legion Druid temple showing its 3 inscriptions. The texts provide reminders to the Druid Shepherds/Bards (priests of the motion powers representing emotion and astrology magic) leading the rituals. The alter is in the middle making the whole layout similar to what is used in Pagan group rituals today where everyone circles around the alter or face it under the direction of a priest/priestess. (photo from Tepper and Segni, 2006).
Fish are Druid symbols for the magical motion powers based upon Akkadian word similarities. The first generation of Christians adopted this symbol to represent their feminine Holy Spirit which for them was far more important than an apocalyptic Jesus. This letter style is used for both Druid Akkadian and Koine Greek which was the eastern Mediterranean form of Greek written during the Hellenistic, the Roman and the early Byzantine periods. Its main characteristic is that the letter shin, Greek Σ (Akkadian Ṣ), is written like a C. Yet this is Druid Akkadian text showing that the two languages co-existed in the Eastern Mediterranean for a while and shared similar letter styles.
Text 1 Translation From Akkadian
- Emotional-Energy for Ayu can result in the emotional-effects of inhibition. Involve her network-bird eagle-vultures with astrology-magic. Dawn can make scarce the life-threads. Instigate (with Thu) the high-life-powers of the near-realm to activate Hu. Clarity will reveal astrology-magic. Shouldn't we have a plan?
- Astrology-magic (involving Su) can make ineffective the emotional-triggering of the reed-mat (life network). The Reed-Boat (Ayu) can make ineffective emotional-effects activating starvation. Astrology-magic of Su can reveal the life-channels. The Woman (Ayu) will be revealed.
- Confusing Hu will bring near the layout (of the life network). Energizing Hu will activate the reassignments for the nourishments (fertility fluids). The shepherds weaving will make scarce Hu. Falseness will expel the neglected-ones (eagle vultures) [word]
Text 2 Translation From Akkadian
- The fertility-fluid's stillness can be a curse for revealing nothing. Is not activity the result of astrology-magic being ineffective?
- Emotional-coercion (using emotion magic from the shepherd) can redirect the emotions towards the reed-mat (life network). Constrain the irrigation-network (life network), not the shepherds.
- They are involved with Hu's activity. Involve them with the life-channels. Su can shepherd the nourishments (fertility fluids). Ineffectiveness is the result of activity.
- The boundary's life-channels can make ineffective the involvement. That will confuse the anointed-one's (life powers) activity. Astrology-magic reveals Hu.
Text 3 Translation From Akkadian
- Open the shepherd's activation of Hu. The Revealer (Kate/Hekate) can irrigate the reassignments (of the life network's channels).
- Emotion-owls can make ineffective the openings from the pasture's Originator (Su)
- Don't be alarmed at the plan for threading Yahu's/Yahweh's activity.
- The stuffing (life network) is revealing the changes in the Veiler's (Kate/Hekate) ineffectiveness
- Emanations (light, heat, rain) can result from the revelations of QS IYŠS (Qis's Isis)
- Support Hu's pushing. Don't activate the emotional-effects of the Revealer (Kate/Hekate, Druid analog of Egyptian Isis)
Comment on the Nomena Sacra of Text 3
Qis was a major city along the Nile which during the Middle Kingdom was a center for the goddess Hathor. It developed a major necropolis which seems to have continued into Byzantine times. The city was still important enough in the 400's to station the Legio II Flavia Constantia there. Other than that not much else is known. Perhaps during the Roman times it became a center to the Isis mystery cult due to its necropolis.
The Incorrect Christian Translation
When this was proposed the existence of an alphabet form of Akkadian was not even imagined. Consequently, the text had to either be Greek or Hebrew. It was not Hebrew so it had to be Greek. Consequently, the evidence was forced to fit this assumption even though it meant committing translation fraud in which letters where ignored and other ones added. The Greek words are sort of close to what exists in the text but not really. (Try convincing your first year foreign language teacher that your answers on a test a "close-enough.") Additionally the Christian translation uses a lot of name which being an arbitrary cluster of letters is not a translation.
Historical Background
(November 27, 2024) This mosaic was discovered in 2005 in a building dated to around 230 CE. Because this was in the way of the prison expansion an archaeological rescue dig was undertaken immediately. The mosaic once decorated the floor of a room almost 500 sq. ft. in size. Earlier archaeological surveys of the area had identified an ancient village (Kfar Othnay) adjacent to a expedition camp used by two Roman legions with one of them (Second Traiana legion) being homebased in Egypt. Later the Byzantine city of Maximianopolis developed beside the village.
During the 100's CE shortly after the Jewish revolt, the Romans erected a military camp in this area. These would have a small contingent of guard troops keeping it ready for full use by two legions, the Second Traiana and the Sixth Ferrata. Consequently, this region thus became known as the Legio. The Second Traiana legion was home-based in Alexandria Egypt. (Wikipedia) In contrast the Sixth Ferrata was usually based in Syria. The symbol for the Sixth Ferrata was the bull. (Wikipedia).
A bronze statuette of a Roman house protection deity called a Lares was uncovered in a large building nearly 65 feet wide and 100 feet long (20 x 30 meters) at the edge of the Jewish village.
The village of Kfar Othnay is mentioned in Jewish sources (Mishnah Gittin 7:7) and in Ptolemy’s writings, and is located on the famous Peutinger map (originally drawn in the 100's CE), where it is called by its Latin name, Caporcotani. The excavation uncovered a number of miqva’ot (Jewish ritual baths) in Kfar Othnay, but they may have been used by the Samaritans rather than the Jews, because the sources also indicate that Othnay was home to Samaritans.
The initial assumption that this was a Christian mosaic was due to the existence of the two fish in the middle of the right mosaic, which traditionally have been though of as being Christian symbols. But fish are actually Druid symbols used around the Mediterranean which represent the feminine spiritual powers of motion due to Akkadian word similarities. The other assumption is that the existence of certain lines above two words forming a Nomena Sacra was only used in Christian texts. Trouble is, this set does not match any text found in such Christian sources. Instead it is a reference to the Egyptian goddess Isis indicating the lines above the letters were used to indicate deities or divine powers.
This Pagan fish motif is clearly seen in Minoan and Mycenean art and it remained common throughout the eastern Mediterranean. That art often showed pictures of dolphins which often travelled at the bow of fast travelling sailing ships. Flying fish are also heavily represented. The Akkadian word for fish is ziqqatû. The Akkadian word for breath, wind, spirit (all emotion/emotion powers) is ziqu. A /t/ word ending in Akkadian indicates the thing is feminine. So fish became symbols for the divine feminine. For early Christians, this was the Holy Spirit.
The text turns out to be about these motion/emotion powers.
Legio II Traiana Fortis. VI Ferrata.
Robert Duke for the Museum of the Bible (September 26, 2024) The Megiddo Mosaic: A Community Coming Together to the Table. Online at:
Vassilios Tzaferis (March/April 2007) Inscribed “To God Jesus Christ” Early Christian Prayer Hall Found in Megiddo Prison. Biblical Archaeological Society. Online at:*147ftzp*_gcl_au*OTg1MTIxNDEyLjE3MzIxMDc4Mzc.*_ga*NTU3Njg0Mzc2LjE3MzIxMDc4Mzc.*_ga_7MSGCYKLB3*MTczMjUzNDQxOC4zLjAuMTczMjUzNDQxOC42MC4wLjE1NTAxOTk3ODU.
Yotam Tepper (14 April 2022) The Roman Legionary Base in Legio-Kefar ‘Othnay – The Evidence from the Small Finds. Cambridge University Press.
Yotam Tepper and Leah Di Segni, with contribution by Guy Stiebel (2006) A CHRISTIAN PRAYER HALL OF THE THIRD CENTURY CE AT KEFAR ‘OTHNAY (LEGIO) - Excavations at theMegiddo Prison 2005. Israel Antiquities Authority. Online at:
The use of Akkadian letters in Judea (so called Paleo-Hebrew) through the Bar Kochba revolt (132–136 CE)
Druid Deities Mentioned
Alu (Akkadian ALu, god Alu - This is the masculine life-power source god of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. He was the first cause and hence he is “that power which lacks” (A.Lu) any other power affecting him. Alu’s complementary feminine source power was Kate/Hekate who as the "Revealer" revealed selected souls then residing in the underworld awaiting their reincarnation. Alu was associated with the daytime divine realm above the earth plane while Kate was associated with the dark night-time and cave-like underworld below the earth plane. Alu’s created life-powers were called “fertility-fluids (Akkadian mu)” which flowed to earth as directed by the life network where they either triggered the manifestations of life forms or were manifested directly as "nourishments (ba)" becoming sun light/heat and rain:
Ayu (Akkadian AYu, This is feminine life-power connective goddess who transports Kate's souls to the from the underworld to the upper world. She is the crescent moon goddess who is thought of as a boat and is actually called the "Reed Boat" in the near east. She is the feminine complement to the masculine sun power of Hu who transports the fluid-like life powers to earth as sun light/heat and rain.)
Hu (Akkadian Ḫu, This is the masculine life-power connective god who represented the life network which channels the life powers from Alu. He nourished and sustained life via sun light/heat and the storm clouds which brought rain. Moving rain clouds were imagined as a herd of running wild cattle so in this role he was the storm bull. Hu is called the “Healer” (Akkadian ḫelû) which is the source for the Greek word “Helios” which refers to their sun god. The Celtic sun god “Lugh” seems to be a direct derivative of Hu. His feminine complement is the goddess Ayu who edits the connections of the life-network.)
Kate/Hekate (Akkadian KaTû, This is the life-power source goddess and revealer of souls. She "reveals" selected souls residing in the underworld for reincarnation in bodies or as spirits. As a gathering power for discarded (dead) life she is the lady of the chalice. She uses eagle-vultures to cut individual threads of life in the life network in order to return souls to the underworld. Hence she is involved in both life and death. She is usually an enemy of the motion powers (Selene, Thu, both astrology and emotion magic) because their functions somewhat overlapped. The souls of Kate had to become "involved" with Selene's sparks of life (spirits). Souls represented the personality of a person. The word "Kate" in Akkdian means "depleter power." When Kate is acting on the life network she is "Hekate" meaning "Hu's depleter power.")
Selu/Selene (Akkadian SeLu, ŠeLu, This is the feminine motion-power goddess who is associated with the astrological celestial lights and the emotion-generating spark of life. She represents their visible external form. The word “Selene” means “powers of Selu with its /en/ ending.”)
Su (Akkadian Su, This is the masculine motion-power source god of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. Su is represented by both the dark new moon and the pupil of the eye so he represents both the astrological and emotional components of the motion power class but in their hidden form. This eye correspondence gives rise to Su’s main epithet which is “observer.” The new moon defines the monthly cycles so Su is also “father time” or "time-keeper" (Akkadian šattu). Large eyed owls are associated with him as harbingers of change. )
Thu (Akkadian Ṭu, This is the hermaphrodite motion-power (astrological and emotional) connective and manifestation deity most closely associated with raw emotions, most commonly sex. This cross-gender representation is because it is a connective deity who crosses boundaries. Because of its boundary-crossing role, its priests are most involved in integrating motion powers with life powers.)
Yahu/Yahweh (Akkadian I’u, Ya’u, Ia’u, EA, IHu, YaHu, This is the form manifestation god who represents the triggering of the invisible "things-given" on earth. These "things-given" are the universal Platonic-forms of Greek philosophy. This existence of this concept in all runic texts indicates that the Greeks got this idea from the earlier Druid civilization. This usually refers to life forms but after also to the formation of pottery and metal items.
Druid Spiritual Concepts Mentioned
Shepherds (Akkadian Rē’û, RēYû, These shamans and bards are associated with the dark new moon god Su and the celestial light (star and moon) goddess Selu/Selene. They are the source of all voluntary motion/emotion powers. They do astrology-magic from Su and emotion magic involving the sparks of life (stars and inner feelings) from Selu/Selene. This set of motion powers are different from the astrology-fate-powers of the planets (the zodiac-houses). While the shepherds can reveal and prod (edit) those astrology-fate-powers they cannot change their inevitable manifestations. Nourishments (fertility fluids of the life network) can be opened by Shepherds because they affect its flow rate. Attunements (logos) involve the shepherds. Emotional-curses can involve shepherds. These are the "Bards" in the classic Druid texts who are associated with enhancing the motion sources. "Bard" means "Nourishers of the Drivers" from B.RD. The gospel of Matthew associates Jesus with being a shepherd in addition to associating him with the Magi who work with the connective layer of the motion powers.
Weavers, Vates (Akkadian UTu, Vate), These priests seek to affect the shape and connections of the life network by using emotion magic to influence Kate/Hekate's eagle-vultures. They are called "Revealers of fertility-fluids" and "Revealers of Ayu"
Boundary, Boundary-Powers (Akkadian ETu, The middle layer of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. This is the normal sky-shell and life network between the divine and earthly realms.)
Astrology-Magic (Akkadian Tu, This power comes from the night deities of the motion powers Su, Selene, and the life powers of Kate/Hekate. It is not the astrological-fate-powers of the planets. Astrology-magic can modify the astrological-fate-powers by authorizing the planets during their rising at earth's horizon. Such authorizations can also be done by human magic-crafters using emotionally arousing rituals involving Thu.
Manifestations (Akkadian Du. Invisible “platonic” life forms need to be filled and stuffed with matter in order to be manifested on earth. Life forms are manifested on earth by Yahu and then revealed and made-visible by Asher. Emotionally commanded motion changes can be "manifested" by astrology-magic.)
Revelations, Form-Revelations (Akkadian Nu, the end result of all the divine powers is making things visible on earth. This is done by a feminine power while manifestations are done by a masculine power.
Fertility-Fluids (Akkadian Mu, Both genders of life deities can produce fertility-fluids (imagined as being analogous to milk or semen). Usually, the divine male fertility fluids were thought to flow through the life network to trigger life forms on earth. These were manifested visibly as sunlight and heat. The divine female fertility fluids acted to support life and these were manifested visibly as either rain or dew. The Akkadian word “Ma” (Mu with an /a/ suffix) means “fertility fluid provider.” Its flow must be activated by a motion power.
Network Birds, (Akkadian Pa’u, PaYa, owls and eagle-vultures who together edit the life network to affect the direction and flow rate of the fertility fluids.
Emotion-Owls (Akkadian AKu, One of the divine network birds along with eagle-vultures and astrological-owls. These owls are the observers of emotion powers expressed during the day and are harbingers of future changes. They are associated with Thu while the astrological owls are associated with Su.
(November 27, 2024) Photo from Tepper and Segni (2006). Letter assignments by Olmsted using the Aegean letter chart.
Translation of Lines 1 and 2 in Akkadian
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration- Gi AYu A Ne'u Ṣe'u. Ku A Pa'u Ru Ṭa. URu IṢu Qu. ADu ELu Ṭa'u Ṣu Ḫu. MaSu Nu Ṭu. Yu La'u (Text Levant 80.1.1)
- Tu E IMu ḪiṢu. AMu E Ne'u Ṣu EKu. Tu Su Nu IDu. ISu Nu (Text Levant 80.1.2)
In English
- Emotional-Energy for Ayu can result in the emotional-effects of inhibition. Involve her network-bird eagle-vultures with astrology-magic. Dawn can make scarce the life-threads. Instigate (with Thu) the high-life-powers of the near-realm to activate Hu. Clarity will reveal astrology-magic. Shouldn't we have a plan?
- Astrology-magic (involving Su) can make ineffective the emotional-triggering of the reed-mat (life network). The Reed-Boat (Ayu) can make ineffective emotional-effects activating starvation. Astrology-magic of Su can reveal the life-channels. The Woman (Ayu) will be revealed.
Claimed Christian Greek Translation of all 3 lines is:
- Gaianus, also called Porphyrius, centurion, our brother,
- has made the mosaic at his own expense
- as an act of generosity. Brutius has carried out the work
(November 27, 2024) Rectangle highlights the supposed Greek phrase: "Brutius has carried out the work.."
Translation of Line 3 in Akkadian
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration- EŠu Ḫu Ṭa'u La'u. Gu Ḫu Ṣu ENu Bu. Re'u WaTu IṢu Ḫu. RaGu AṢu EGu [word] (Text Levant 80.1.3)
In English
- Confusing Hu will bring near the layout (of the life network). Energizing Hu will activate the reassignments for the nourishments (fertility fluids). The shepherds weaving will make scarce Hu. Falseness will expel the neglected-ones (eagle vultures) [word]
(November 27, 2024) Photo from Tepper and Segni (2006). Letter assignments by Olmsted using Sea People's letter chart.
Translation of Lines 1 and 2 in Akkadian
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration- Mu NeḪu M'a Nu E. Yu Ṣu A Tu E (Levant 80.2.1)
- PaRu IWu IMu ḪiṢu. KaLu IKu, Yu ReYu (Levant 80.2.2)
In English
- The fertility-fluid's stillness can be a curse for revealing nothing. Is not activity the result of astrology-magic being ineffective?
- Emotional-coercion (using emotion magic from the shepherd) can redirect the emotions towards the reed-mat (life network). Constrain the irrigation-network (life network), not the shepherds.
(November 27, 2024) Photo from Tepper and Segni (2006). Letter assignments by Olmsted using Sea People's letter chart.
Translation of Lines 3 and 4 in Akkadian
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration- A Ku Ḫi Ṣu . Ku A IDu. Su Re'u Bu. E A Ṣu (Levant 80.2.3)
- ETu IDu E Ku. A IŠu ReḪu Ṣu. Tu Ḫu Nu (Levant 80.2.4)
In English
- They are involved with Hu's activity. Involve them with the life-channels. Su can shepherd the nourishments (fertility fluids). Ineffectiveness is the result of activity.
- The boundary's life-channels can make ineffective the involvement. That will confuse the anointed-one's (life powers) activity. Astrology-magic reveals Hu.
Translation of Text 3, Lines 1 and 2
(November 27, 2024)
Translation of Lines 1 and 2 in Akkadian
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration- Pa Re'u Ṣu Ḫu. Nu IKu ENu (Levant 80.3.1)
- AKu E Pu Ta'u UṢu (Levant 80.3.2)
In English
- Open the shepherd's activation of Hu. The Revealer (Kate/Hekate) can irrigate the reassignments (of the life network's channels).
- Emotion-owls can make ineffective the openings from the pasture's Originator (Su)
Claimed Christian Greek Translation of all 5 lines is:
- The God-loving
- Akeptous
- has offered the table
- to God Jesus Christ
- as a memorial.
Photo from Tepper and Segni (2006). Letter assignments by Olmsted using Sea People's letter chart.
Translation of Text 3, Lines 3 and 4
(November 27, 2024)
Translation of Lines 3 and 4 in Akkadian
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration- ḪaṬu Ya La'u Qu E'u Ṣu (Levant 80.3.3)
- TaḪu Nu TaRu APu E (Levant 80.3.4)
In English
- Don't be alarmed at the plan for threading Yahu's/Yahweh's activity.
- The stuffing (life network) is revealing the changes in the Veiler's (Kate/Hekate) ineffectiveness
Translation of Text 3, Lines 5 and 6
(November 27, 2024) The words QS IYŠS in this text seem to represent a proper name Qisu Iysis in which Iysis is a girls names derived from the Egyptian goddess Isis. Consequently, this may be a local variant of the goddess Isis.
Translation of Lines 5 and 6 in Akkadian
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration- Zu A Nu . QS . IYŠS (Levant 80.3.5)
- MaNu Ḫu Ma'u Ṣu Ya Na'u Nu (Levant 80.3.6)
In English
- Emanations (light, heat, rain) can result from the revelations of QS IYŠS (QiS's Isis)
- Support Hu's pushing. Don't activate the emotional-effects of the Revealer (Kate/Hekate)
The Christian justification of the Lined translation. Not only are their letter assignments wrong but abbreviations are only found on Roman coins (or on fraudulent translations which need to leave out letters to get the desired words)
The words “God Jesus Christ” appear at the end of the fifth line; they are abbreviated, as indicated by the line above the letters. ΘΩ = ΘΕΩ, Theos (“God”); ΙΥ = ΙΗΣΟΥ, Iēsou (“Jesus”); ΧΩ = ΧΡΙΣΤΩ, Christō (“Christ”). (from Wood, 2024)
Bryant G. Wood (September 16, 2024) Three Extraordinary Early Christian Inscriptions. Online at:
Nomena Sacra Examples
(November 27, 2024) Latin started exhibiting word abbreviations shortly after the start of the empire around 30 CE where they are often seen in the names of Roman coins. But these had no line indicators. In contrast, people in the Greek speaking eastern empire added lines above their abbreviations. Christians who started writing about this time also started using lined abbreviations for words and phrases which were often repeated. These include such phrases as, ΙΥ and ΘΥ, representing "of/from Jesus" (Yeshua), and "God Jesus" (Theos Yeshua) respectively. In Christian circles these lined abreviations came to be called "Nomena Sacra" for "Sacred Names." This practice ended around 300 CE for unknown reasons.
Biblical scholar and textual critic Bruce M. Metzger (1981) lists 15 such words shown below but none of these match what is in the Megiddo Mosaic.
English Greek word Nominative Possessive Form (adds Y/I to end)
God Θεός, Theos ΘΣ ΘΥ
Lord Κύριος, Kyrios ΚΣ, ΚΣ ΚΥ, ΚΥ
Jesus Ἰησοῦς, Iēsous ΙΣ, ΙΗΣ ΙΥ, ΙΗΥ
Christ/Messiah Χριστός, Christos ΧΣ, ΧΡΣ ΧΥ
Son Υἱός, Huios ΥΣ ΥΥ
Spirit Πνεῦμα, Pneuma ΠΝΑ ΠΣ, ΠΝΣ, ΠΝΟΣ
David Δαυίδ, Dauid ΔΑΔ
Cross Σταυρός, Stauros ΣΤΣ ΣΤΥ
Mother Μήτηρ, Mētēr ΜΗΡ, ΜΡ ΜΡΣ
Father Πατήρ, Patēr ΠΗΡ, ΠΡ ΠΡΣ
Israel Ἰσραήλ, Israēl ΙΗΛ
Savior Σωτήρ, Sōtēr ΣΗΡ ΣΡΣ
Human Ἄνθρωπος, Anthrōpos ΑΝΟΣ ΑΝΟΥ
Jerusalem Ἱερουσαλήμ, Ierousalēm ΙΛΗΜ
Heaven/Heavens Οὐρανός, Ouranos ΟΥΝΟΣ ΟΥΝΟΥ
Nomina sacra - Wikipedia article online at:
Metzger, Bruce Manning (1981). Manuscripts of the Greek Bible: An Introduction to Palaeography. Oxford University Press. p. 36. ISBN 978-0-19-536532-0. "In the developed Byzantine usage the fifteen nomina sacra in their nominative and genitive forms are as follows: [...] Scholars differ in accounting for the origin and development of the system of nomina sacra."