Idalion Bronze Tablet Cyprus 450 BCE
(February 25, 2025) The Idalion Tablet is a 5th-century BC bronze tablet from Idalium (Greek: Ιδάλιον), Cyprus. It is engraved on both sides. Today it is kept in the Cabinet des médailles, Paris. Photo via Wikimedia Commons at:,_Paris_-_Idalion_Decree.jpg
The inscription was discovered by farmers right before the 1850s. It had been placed in the sanctuary of Athena on the west acropolis of the ancient city of Idalion, Cyprus situated at the hill of Ampileri. Following the mediation of Péretié, chancellor of the French consulate at Beirut, the inscription was then sold to the French Honoré Théodoric Albert de Luynes, together with many other ancient objects. In 1862-1863, de Luynes donated his collections to the Cabinet des Médailles of the National Library of France, where the tablet of Idalion is still exhibited today (inv. Bronzes 2297). Since 2010, the local Museum of Ancient Idalion displays a copy of the tablet, the fruit of the collaboration between the Foundation of Local History “Kypros” and the Municipality of Idalion, with the National Library of France and the Polytechnic School Ecole Centrale Paris and the Centre Technique des Industries de la Fonderie.
The tablet is made of bronze with a handle on one side. It is inscribed on both sides, measuring 21.4 cm x 14 cm on the incised part, with a thickness of 4-6 mm. The Cypriot syllabic text is continuous and comprises of 16 lines on side A and some lines on side B. The words or groups of words are separated by vertical lines
Side A is translated below. It complains about a lack of balance between the life powers and the motion powers.
Translation of Side A
- The emotion-powers (Awen) of impressions can open similar powers. | Emanations (of motion powers) | can nourish the emotion-owls of change. | Amplifications (from emotion magic) can do the same. | Activations can irrigate the manifestations of Hu's cultivated-fields (a life power). | The same will open the eagle-vultures (a life power). | Emanations | are resulting in the evening-power's being budded. || Emanation | falseness is lacking. | The lack is revealing the winged-ones. | The lack | is equalizing the eagle-vultures.
- Emotion-owls can make-dark the filtering. || Emanations | of astrology-magic set the darkness for the eagle-vultures. | Emanations of considerations (focused emotions of emotion magic) are involved. | Activation of the irrigation-network's detachments (rain) are involved. | Activation of the winged-one's emotion-owls will activate life-manifestations. | Activations will nourish the emotion-owls making ineffective the lack and | activating the air dark-one's (Su) | pushing.
- This is similar. | Equalize the life-manifestations of the eagle-vultures | Equalize the influences. | Activate the openings. | Activate the priest-parents opening involvements | Activate openings. | Selu/Selene can fate-curse the equalization. | Activate the openings. | Emanations | of contentment can be manifested. | Activate openings. | Activate the life-manifestations. || Emanations | spew-out the instigator's (Su) openings. | Emanations | can be nourished.
- Make-dark the eagle-vultures. | Activate the winged-one's emotion-owls. | Activate the life-manifestations. | Activate the air's dark-one (Su). | Openings with domination can emotionally-trigger involvement (of life powers with motion powers). | The life-network can craft | emanations. | Openings will manifest the fertility-fluids. | Fertility-fluids | can be emanated. | Cool-dark-places (caves, grottos as ritual spaces) can reveal the involvement of eagle-vultures.
- Amplification is ineffective. | Inhibit Thu's freedom || Emanations | can make-thin the counter-balancing. | Restore the life-manifestations. || Emanations | can open the Supervisor's (Alu) breeding involvement. | Activation can equalize the openings. | Emanations | can nourish motivations. | Activation can equalize the openings. | Activate life-manifestations. | Do the same for astrology-magic.
- Openings will manifest the prodding (of fertility-fluids) | (Such) Involvement is revealing the abandonment of the design (of the universe). | Lack | of nourishments will prod involvement. | Involvement of the winged-one's emotion-owls are lacking nothing. | Involvement | will activate the life-manifestations. | Activations will manifest Su's dark amplification. | Activation will spew-forth the life-manifestations.
- Manifest life-manifestations | Activations can equalize the openings. | Activations can manifest-life. | The network can make dark the eagle-vultures. | Activations can make-fly the emotion-owls. | Activations can manifest-life. | Night-noises of Su can manifest Thu. || Emanations | can winnow prosperity. | Equalize the openings || Emanations | can nourish the Prodder's (Thu and Sirius) involvement.
- | Emanations | are nourishing the veil. | Similarly, the layout-of-fate from Sirius is revealing involvement. | Equalize the openings. | Passions can amplify (the powers of) Selu/Selene. | Activating the manifestations of Su will darken Selu/Selene | Equalize the involvement. | Equalize the domination of involvement. | Opening the amplifications | will emanate | Hu's-powers (rain)
- Diverters can be involved in the lack. | Attendants (owls) can pour-away Selene-powers | Activate the life-manifestations. | The life-manifestations will reveal involvement. | Activate the opening of the network-shapers. | | Emanations | will reveal the involvement of the eagle-vulture's pushing of the Dipper (Alu). | Equalize Su's involvement. | Equalize the conversions (of fertility-fluids to rain) from the openings.
- | Activate the opening's | involvement. || Emanations | will sire conscious-impressions. | Activate the life-manifestations. | Hu will be involved. | Emanations of Su can equalize the bindings. || Emanations | of anointed-powers (motion powers) will reveal Thu. || Emanations | of Hu (a life-power) must be involved | in the lack of Thu (a motion power).
- Equalize the amplifications | Equalize the nourishing of those. | Amplification (of one power) will make-ineffective | the involvement. || Emanations | can nourish the emotion-owl's darkness revealing the openings. || Emanations | can open similar additions. | Activations can open similar Thu-powers. | Activations will open involvement. | Activations will open | emanations. | Hu is making ineffective the life-manifestations.
- Equalize the openings | of the emanations. | Hu is making ineffective the life-manifestations. | Activations can equalize the openings. | Activate the life-manifestations. | Equalization of astrology-magic will darken the life-powers activations of equality. | Make-ineffective | the involvement of eagle-vultures. | Make-ineffective | the involvement of eagle-vultures. | Ignore their chewing. | Make-ineffective | the involvement of eagle-vultures. | Make ineffective their involvement.
- Lack | will lack | nourishments prodding involvement. | Emanations | can nourish the prodding of additions. | Confuse Thu. | Activations will amplify involvement | of activity.
- Revelations from Su can manifest Thu-powers. | Thu and lack will not manifest involvement. | Emanations | of astrology-magic can activate Thu's opening | Emanations can be opened. | Emanations | of Hu can motivate the opening | of fertility-fluids. | Su | can be involved | in budding Sirius | The same astrology-magic can make dark the eagle-vultures. | Activate the life-manifestations.
- Emanations are lacking. || Emanations | can nourish the prodder's (Su and Sirius) involvements. | Emanations | can open the Supervisor's (Alu) openings. | | Emanations | can nourish the obligations lacking | restoration. | Involve Thu's freedom. | Activate the winged-one's emotion-owls. | Activate manifestations | of activity.
- Monitor the eagle-vultures. | Activate the winged-one's emotion-owls. | Activate life-manifestations. | Activations will clear-out the sewers | Involvement will equalize the veil's involvements. | Involve life-manifestations. ||
(February 22, 2025)
Translation of Lines 1 and 2 in Akkadian (Med Text 75)
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration.Runic Letter Style is Cypriot which is a relative of Maltese. Letter Chart Used: Aegean Letter Lineage
- AWu ṬeRu Pu Šu ŠiYu | Zu | Bu AKu TaRu | ŠaPu Šu | Ṣu IKu Du Ḫu LuDu | Šu Pu Ru | Zu | A BaDu ŠD || Zu | RaGu Lu | Lu Nu GaPu | Lu | Šu Ru
- AKu EṬu NaPu || Zu | Tu EṬu Ru | Zu | ANu Ku | Ṣu IKu GaLu Ku | Ṣu GaPu AKu Ṣu Du | Ṣu Bu AKu E Lu U | Ṣu MaSu EṬu | Ma'u
In English
- The emotion-powers (Awen) of impressions can open similar powers. | Emanations (of motion powers) | can nourish the emotion-owls of change. | Amplifications (from emotion magic) can do the same. | Activations can irrigate the manifestations of Hu's cultivated-fields (a life power). | The same will open the eagle-vultures (a life power). | Emanations | are resulting in the evening-power's being budded. || Emanation | falseness is lacking. | The lack is revealing the winged-ones. | The lack | is equalizing the eagle-vultures.
- Emotion-owls can make-dark the filtering. || Emanations | of astrology-magic set the darkness for the eagle-vultures. | Emanations of considerations (focused emotions of emotion magic) are involved. | Activation of the irrigation-network's detachments (rain) are involved. | Activation of the winged-one's emotion-owls will activate life-manifestations. | Activations will nourish the emotion-owls making ineffective the lack and | activating the air dark-one's (Su) | pushing.
(February 22, 2025)
Translation of Lines 3 and 4 in Akkadian (Med Text 75)
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration.Runic Letter Style is Cypriot which is a relative of Maltese. Letter Chart Used: Aegean Letter Lineage
- A Šu | Šu Du Ru | Šu LaŠu | Ṣu Pu | Ṣu ABu Pu Ku | Ṣu Pu | ŠeLu U'a Šu | Ṣu Pu | Zu | ḪaDu Du | Ṣu Pu | Ṣu Du || Zu | 'Šu 'Du Pu | Zu | Bu
- EṬu Ru | Ṣu GaPu AKu | Ṣu Du | Ṣu MaSu EṬu | Pu U LaQu IMu Ku | ŠaTu UDu | Zu | Pu Du Mu | Mu | Zu | KṢ Nu Ku Ru
In English
- This is similar. | Equalize the life-manifestations of the eagle-vultures | Equalize the influences. | Activate the openings. | Activate the priest-parents opening involvements | Activate openings. | Selu/Selene can fate-curse the equalization. | Activate the openings. | Emanations | of contentment can be manifested. | Activate openings. | Activate the life-manifestations. || Emanations | spew-out the instigator's (Su) openings. | Emanations | can be nourished.
- Make-dark the eagle-vultures. | Activate the winged-one's emotion-owls. | Activate the life-manifestations. | Activate the air's dark-one (Su). | Openings with domination can emotionally-trigger involvement (of life powers with motion powers). | The life-network can craft | emanations. | Openings will manifest the fertility-fluids. | Fertility-fluids | can be emanated. | Cool-dark-places (caves, grottos as ritual spaces) can reveal the involvement of eagle-vultures.
(February 23, 2025)
Translation of Lines 5 and 6 in Akkadian (Med Text 75)
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration.Runic Letter Style is Cypriot which is a relative of Maltese. Letter Chart Used: Aegean Letter Lineage
- ŠuPu E | KaŠu Ṭu IPu || Zu | BaḪu MaLu | DaKu Du || Zu | Pu EMu PaDu Ku | Ṣu Šu Pu | Zu | Bu EDu | Ṣu Šu Pu | Ṣu Du | Šu Tu
- Pu Du Ka'u | Ku Nu NaWu PaKu | Lu | Bu Ka'u Ku | Ku GaPu AKu Lu E | Ku | Ṣu Du | Ṣu Du Su EṬu ŠuPu | Šu AŠu Du
In English
- Amplification is ineffective. | Inhibit Thu's freedom || Emanations | can make-thin the counter-balancing. | Restore the life-manifestations. || Emanations | can open the Supervisor's (Alu) breeding involvement. | Activations can equalize the openings. | Emanations | can nourish motivations. | Activations can equalize the openings. | Activate life-manifestations. | Do the same for astrology-magic.
- Openings will manifest the prodding (of fertility-fluids) | (Such) Involvement is revealing the abandonment of the design (of the universe). | Lack | of nourishments will prod involvement. | Involvement of the winged-one's emotion-owls are lacking nothing. | Involvement | will activate the life-manifestations. | Activations will manifest Su's dark amplification. | Activation will spew-forth the life-manifestations.
(February 23, 2025)
Translation of Lines 7 and 8 in Akkadian (Med Text 75)
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration.Runic Letter Style is Cypriot which is a relative of Maltese. Letter Chart Used: Aegean Letter Lineage
- Du Du | Ṣu Šu Pu | Ṣu Du | ŠaTu EṬu Ru | Ṣu GaPu AKu | Ṣu Du | PaMu Su Du Ṭu || Zu | PaNu LiPu | Šu Pu || Zu | Bu Ka'u Ku
- | Zu | Bu APu | Šu Le'u ŠeRu Nu Ku | Šu Pu | ḪaBu ŠuPu ŠeLu | Ṣu Du Su EṬu ŠeLu | Šu Ku | Šu LaQu Ku | Pu ŠuPu | Zu | Ḫu
In English
- Manifest life-manifestations | Activations can equalize the openings. | Activations can manifest-life. | The network can make dark the eagle-vultures. | Activations can make-fly the emotion-owls. | Activations can manifest-life. | Night-noises of Su can manifest Thu. || Emanations | can winnow prosperity. | Equalize the openings || Emanations | can nourish the Prodder's (Thu and Sirius) involvement.
- | Emanations | are nourishing the veil. | Similarly, the layout-of-fate from Sirius is revealing involvement. | Equalize the openings. | Passions can amplify (the powers of) Selu/Selene. | Activating the manifestations of Su will darken Selu/Selene | Equalize the involvement. | Equalize the domination of involvement. | Opening the amplifications | will emanate | Hu's-powers (rain)
(February 24, 2025)
Translation of Lines 9 and 10 in Akkadian (Med Text 75)
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration.Runic Letter Style is Cypriot which is a relative of Maltese. Letter Chart Used: Aegean Letter Lineage
- LaRu Ku Lu | AḪu NiQu ŠeLu | Ṣu Du | Du Nu Ku | Ṣu Pu DaRu | | Zu | Nu Ku Ru Ma'u DiPu | Šu Su Ku | Šu PaḪu Pu
- | Ṣu Pu | Ku || Zu | TuDu ṬaRu | Ṣu Du | Ḫu Ku || Zu | Su Šu KaMu || Zu | RaḪu Nu Ṭu || Zu | Ḫu Ku | Lu Ṭu
In English
- Diverters can be involved in the lack. | Attendants (owls) can pour-away Selene-powers | Activate the life-manifestations. | The life-manifestations will reveal involvement. | Activate the opening of the network-shapers. | | Emanations | will reveal the involvement of the eagle-vulture's pushing of the Dipper (Alu). | Equalize Su's involvement. | Equalize the conversions (of fertility-fluids to rain) from the openings.
- | Activate the opening's | involvement. || Emanations | will sire conscious-impressions. | Activate the life-manifestations. | Hu will be involved. | Emanations of Su can equalize the bindings. || Emanations | of anointed-powers (motion powers) will reveal Thu. || Emanations | of Hu (a life-power) must be involved | in the lack of Thu (a motion power).
(February 24, 2025)
Translation of Lines 11 and 12 in Akkadian (Med Text 75)
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration.Runic Letter Style is Cypriot which is a relative of Maltese. Letter Chart Used: Aegean Letter Lineage
- Šu ŠuPu | Šu Bu A | ŠuPu E | K || Zu | Bu AKu EṬu Nu Pu || Zu | Pu Šu ṬaPu | Ṣu Pu Šu Ṭu | Ṣu Pu Ku | Ṣu Pu | Zu | Ḫu E Du
- Šu Pu | Zu | Ḫu E Du | Ṣu Šu Pu | Ṣu Du | Šu Tu EṬu ReŠu Ṣu Šu | E | Ku Ru | E | Ku Ru | ŠaṬu ŠuŠu | E | Ku Ru | E | Ku
In English
- Equalize the amplifications | Equalize the nourishing of those. | Amplification (of one power) will make-ineffective | the involvement. || Emanations | can nourish the emotion-owl's darkness revealing the openings. || Emanations | can open similar additions. | Activations can open similar Thu-powers. | Activations will open involvement. | Activations will open | emanations. | Hu is making ineffective the life-manifestations.
- Equalize the openings | of the emanations. | Hu is making ineffective the life-manifestations. | Activations can equalize the openings. | Activate the life-manifestations. | Equalization of astrology-magic will darken the life-powers activations of equality. | Make-ineffective | the involvement of eagle-vultures. | Make-ineffective | the involvement of eagle-vultures. | Ignore their chewing. | Make-ineffective | the involvement of eagle-vultures. | Make ineffective their involvement.
(February 25, 2025)
Translation of Lines 13 and 14 in Akkadian (Med Text 75)
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration.Runic Letter Style is Cypriot which is a relative of Maltese. Letter Chart Used: Aegean Letter Lineage
- Lu | Lu | Bu Ka'u Ku || Zu | Bu Ka'u ṬaPu | EŠu Ṭu | Ṣu ŠuPu Ku | Ṣu
- Nu Su Du Ṭu | Ṭu U Lu Du Ya Ku || Zu | Tu Ṣu Ṭu Pu || Zu | Pu | Zu | Ḫu EDu Pu | Mu | Su | Ku | ŠeDu ŠeRu | Še Tu EṬu Ru | Ṣu Du
In English
- Lack | will lack | nourishments prodding involvement. | Emanations | can nourish the prodding of additions. | Confuse Thu. | Activations will amplify involvement | of activity.
- Revelations from Su can manifest Thu-powers. | Thu and lack will not manifest involvement. | Emanations | of astrology-magic can activate Thu's opening | Emanations can be opened. | Emanations | of Hu can motivate the opening | of fertility-fluids. | Su | can be involved | in budding Sirius | The same astrology-magic can make dark the eagle-vultures. | Activate the life-manifestations.
(February 25, 2025)
Translation of Lines 15 and 16 in Akkadian (Med Text 75)
(read left to right. Capital letters on object. Small letters are inferred Inner vowels. Verbs are italic bold. Dual use letters are E/H, I/Y, U/W, and '/A in which vowel appears at beginning of words except for Yahu which is keeping its traditional Hebrew transliteration.Runic Letter Style is Cypriot which is a relative of Maltese. Letter Chart Used: Aegean Letter Lineage
- Zu Lu || | Zu | Bu Ka'u Ku || Zu | Pu EMu Pu | | Zu | Bu ŠiMu Lu | DaKu | Ku Ṭu IPu | Ṣu GaPu AKu | Ṣu Du | Ṣu
- ATu Ru | Ṣu GaPu AKu | Ṣu Du | Ṣu MeSu RaṬu | Ku Šu APu Ku | Ku Du ||
In English
- Emanations are lacking. || Emanations | can nourish the prodder's (Su and Sirius) involvements. | Emanations | can open the Supervisor's (Alu) openings. | | Emanations | can nourish the obligations lacking | restoration. | Involve Thu's freedom. | Activate the winged-one's emotion-owls. | Activate manifestations | of activity.
- Monitor the eagle-vultures. | Activate the winged-one's emotion-owls. | Activate life-manifestations. | Activations will clear-out the sewers | Involvement will equalize the veil's involvements. | Involve life-manifestations. ||